Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

Among the decorations of the festive table, vegetable dishes stand out for their excellent taste, nutritional value and original design. The mother-in-law’s popular appetizer eggplant tongue can take center stage at any celebration. There are several recipes for it, but the most popular is the traditional method of preparation.

Mother-in-law’s eggplant tongue appetizer is a fried vegetable plate with various fillings inside. An interesting option is a recipe for mother-in-law salad eggplant tongue for the winter. The following is a step-by-step method for quick preparation and preparation of salad.

How to cook mother-in-law eggplant tongue salad

The classic mother-in-law eggplant tongue is very easy to prepare, and the taste of the dish is always excellent. Cooking does not take much time, and the ingredients will be required much less than for the usual caviar:

  • Eggplant 2;
  • 2 Medium Tomato;
  • 100 g of ready-made mayonnaise;
  • greens (preferably spicy);
  • seasonings and salt to taste.

The technology of preparing mother-in-law salad eggplant tongue according to the classic recipe is even for novice cooks. A step-by-step description of the process with a photo will help in this:

  1. Wash eggplant thoroughly and cut into thin slices.
  2. Put in a glass or plastic container in layers and sprinkle with salt. Leave for 15-20 minutes for the juice to stand out.

    Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

Important! Bitterness will go away with it, changing the taste not for the better. The snack should be moderately spicy, but not bitter.
  1. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat up. Roll the plates in flour, fry on both sides.

    Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

Important! Eggplant absorbs oil well, so you will have to constantly monitor the amount in the pan, adding if necessary.
  1. Eggplants are not recommended to be strongly fried so that they do not burn.
  2. Put the fried strips of vegetables on a plate to cool.
  3. Next up is the tomatoes. They must be cut evenly into circles.

    Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

  4. It is desirable that the tomatoes in the appetizer of the mother-in-law’s tongue do not look too rough. Therefore, it is preferable to cut them as thin as possible.
  5. Put the eggplant tongues that have cooled in the meantime on a dish, grease them with mayonnaise on one side. To add spice, you can pre-mix mayonnaise with grated cheese and chopped garlic.
  6. Lay tomatoes on each strip of vegetable.

    Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

  7. Salt and pepper the appetizer, you can sprinkle with chopped garlic and spicy herbs. Fold each plate in half.
  8. As a decoration, you can sprinkle the appetizer with chopped herbs or make a pattern of their mayonnaise. Looks great option with a whole sprig of parsley or cilantro.

    Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

  9. Snacks can be served on the table.

The classic recipe is the most popular. But the salad option for the winter is not so well known. Meanwhile, there are several ways to make mother-in-law’s eggplant tongue for the winter. The canned dish will serve as an excellent side dish for meat and fish dishes, and it can also be served on the festive table as a cold appetizer.

Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

How to cook mother-in-law’s eggplant tongue for the winter

The recipe for the winter version is slightly different from the traditional one. There are several ways to seal for long term storage. The most popular are the following 2 options.

No roast


  • eggplant 4 kg;
  • large tomatoes 10 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper 10 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil 1 glass;
  • table salt 50 g;
  • sugar 200 g;
  • 4 garlic heads;
  • hot pepper 3 pods;
  • vinegar 30 ml.

The last 3 ingredients will add spice to the salad and allow you to keep the appetizer longer.

If desired, garlic and hot peppers can be excluded from the recipe.

Important! An eggplant appetizer for the winter is placed only in sterile jars, which should be prepared in advance.

You should start by preparing the main ingredient. Cut the eggplant into circles, sprinkle with salt and wait 30 minutes for the juice to stand out, along with which the bitterness from the future snack goes away.

Grind the rest of the vegetables in a meat grinder or blender. Add oil, sugar, salt, vinegar to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.

Place eggplant circles in a saucepan, pour over a mixture of chopped vegetables with spices and simmer for 30 minutes.

Arrange the ready-made sharp mother-in-law tongue in jars, roll up the lids and wrap warmly until cool.


Mother-in-law eggplant tongue for the winter: recipe 

This snack recipe is different in that the main ingredient is pre-fried. The components can be taken in the same composition, just add more greens. The calorie content of the workpiece will increase slightly.

The preparatory stage for the main ingredient remains the same – cut the vegetables, sprinkle with salt and leave to extract the juice. Drain the liquid, fry each circle until a golden blush appears on both sides.

Important! After frying, lay the eggplant in a sieve, colander or on a napkin. This will allow excess oil to drain from the vegetables.

At this time, you should chop the rest of the vegetables and mix them with spices, vinegar and chopped herbs. Place the mass on the stove and simmer for half an hour.

Arrange the ready-made mother-in-law’s tongue salad in jars, evenly distributing eggplant and filling. Sterilize the workpiece additionally in water for 15 minutes. Then roll up, wrap, and after cooling, put away for storage. From the photo you can see how appetizing the eggplant salad of the mother-in-law’s tongue, cooked for the winter, looks.

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