Mother-heroine: how many children need to be born, status
Giving birth and raising a child is hard work. A mother with many children deserves special respect and has her own award from the state. Let’s figure out the title of mother-heroine, how many children must be to receive it, what gives such a title.
How many children need to be born
In the Soviet Union, this title was awarded to women who gave birth to 10 children. Moreover, it was assigned only when the youngest child was one year old. All children had to be alive and family.
Find out how many children need to be born to become a mother heroine
Now the situation has changed dramatically. Heroine moms are now considered to be women who are raising four or more children. Officially adopted babies are taken into account. The title is awarded when the youngest child turns 3 years old. Dead children are counted only if they died during military service, in the performance of civil or work duty.
Please note that in order to receive the title and all the bonuses attached to it, it is important not just to give birth to children. You need to lead the right way of life, be engaged in the upbringing, health and education of children, develop them harmoniously, set the right example for other parents.
What gives the status of a mother-heroine
Mothers and fathers with many children receive the Order of Parental Glory. They also receive 50 thousand rubles for the upbringing and development of their kids. Some families receive apartments, this is considered on an individual basis. Here are the rest of the bonuses of this rank:
- Care allowance for each child under 1,5 years old according to the woman’s average salary over the last 2 years.
- The possibility of early retirement at 50 years, if the woman’s work experience is 15 years in total.
- Ability to work part-time.
- 30-50% discount on utility bills, 50% discount on home phone bills.
- Admission of children to the kindergarten without waiting in line, three free meals a day for children at school, free school and sports uniforms for schoolchildren.
- Free travel in public transport.
- Monthly tickets to theaters, cinema and other entertainment establishments, annual sanatorium vouchers for the whole family.
Please note that a mother with many children has the right to open a mini-kindergarten at home. At the same time, she officially becomes an educator, the experience is recorded in her work book. The home kindergarten is supervised by the management of the nearest state kindergarten.
If you decide to become a mother of four or more babies, take advantage of government benefits. They will simplify the maintenance of a large family.
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