Mother and stepmother
Coltsfoot is a plant valued for its medicinal properties. Even the village children knew that if they got hurt, they need to find this flower and attach it to the wound and it will heal quickly. But the healing properties of coltsfoot do not end there.

Mother grass, king potion, horse hoof – these are the names of coltsfoot. Translated from Latin, Tussilago is a cough suppressant, so this dried herb was even smoked before to get rid of an obsessive, dry cough.

This unique plant is the first to grow after fires in the ashes. Many beliefs are associated with this herb, it was believed that it gives strength to orphans. In Russia, dry coltsfoot flowers were hung in houses to protect the owners from quarrels, adversity and illness. Indeed, coltsfoot has a number of medicinal properties.

Medicinal properties of coltsfoot

Coltsfoot has an expectorant effect due to the restoration of the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the trachea and bronchi, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, softening effect. The diaphoretic action makes it indispensable for fever and colds.

More often, coltsfoot is recommended in the treatment of cough due to the ability to thin the mucus in the respiratory tract. This plant is found in herbal teas and cough syrups.

It is used not only inside, but also for external use: in the form of tinctures, decoctions or juices. Lotions from coltsfoot provide antiseptic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects.

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Contraindications to the use of coltsfoot

Medications and preparations based on coltsfoot are not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation, are strictly prohibited for children under 3 years old, and after 6 years old only on the recommendation of a doctor and under his strict supervision. Long-term use is also not recommended, otherwise blood pressure may increase. Therefore, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

For people with liver diseases, preparations containing coltsfoot are prohibited due to the large amount of alkaloids that additionally burden the liver.

Contraindication and possible side effect – allergic reactions, cross-allergy is not excluded. Therefore, they can not be used for allergies to ragweed.

Application of coltsfoot

As a medicinal raw material, coltsfoot leaves are used, which are harvested in the spring. Due to its properties, this plant is used in various branches of medicine.

For respiratory system

The leaves of the plant contain mucus, which provides an enveloping and expectorant effect. Biologically active substances have a complex effect on inflammation processes. This herb has traditionally been used as a cough remedy and has been shown to be effective in whooping cough as well as dry coughs.

Tea from coltsfoot promotes active coughing, thinning of bronchial mucus. Therefore, it can be prescribed for bronchitis, laryngitis and even bronchial asthma.

In dentistry

Mucus from the leaves of the plant envelops the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, creates a protective film. And already under it there is a relief of the inflammatory process. Coltsfoot is included in many herbal preparations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gums (gingivitis and periodontitis), as well as the oral mucosa, additionally has a wound healing effect for the speedy restoration of the mucous membrane and recovery.


1 st. pour a spoonful of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.

The resulting decoction should rinse the mouth twice a day.

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For the urinary system

Antiseptic action helps to actively fight the causes and symptoms of cystitis, as well as kidney disease.

For the digestive tract

The leaves of the coltsfoot have an antiseptic effect, fight bacteria and viruses. Preparations based on this medicinal herb help in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, gastritis, peptic ulcer. Due to the antispasmodic action, the severity of pain in some diseases of the digestive tract is reduced.


1,5 tablespoons of dry leaves of coltsfoot pour 1 liter of water and boil for 3 minutes. Cool down.

Take 300 ml per day before each meal – for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines and genitourinary system.

For the skin

Vitamins A and other active substances have a wound healing effect, so coltsfoot decoctions are often used to treat abscesses, scratches, ulcers, boils and other skin diseases, as well as injuries.

In cosmetology

A decoction of coltsfoot is used in cosmetology. By rubbing the decoction into the scalp, it is possible to significantly strengthen the hair roots, restore their natural shine and strength. The same decoction helps fight dandruff, seborrhea.

The skin of the face will be grateful if you wash your face with a decoction of coltsfoot for 2 to 3 weeks. Coltsfoot is part of the face masks, which are designed to deal with problems, including the aging process.


1 st. pour a spoonful of dry grass with 200 ml of vodka. Infuse for a week in a dark place. This tincture will help fight the unpleasant symptoms of oily skin – she needs to wipe her face.

Reviews of doctors about coltsfoot

Olga Zorina, pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr:

– Coltsfoot has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, disinfectant effect, creates a protective film and stops the inflammatory process. Active substances from the leaves of the mother and stepmother promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Given all the beneficial properties of the plant, in France, the coltsfoot has long been considered a symbol of medicine, its image was a mandatory attribute of pharmacy signs.

Interesting fact: goldfinches dot their nests with plant seeds.

Elena Korsun, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Phytotherapy, ICM RUDN University, Head of the Educational and Health Center at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:

– Mother and stepmother is used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract: with bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, pleurisy and bronchial asthma. Medicines based on the leaves of coltsfoot contribute to the elimination of sputum, have an antiviral effect.

Herbal decoctions are used for cystitis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with inflammatory processes. Due to the antiseptic and regenerative properties, coltsfoot decoctions are part of complex therapy in the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis and stomatitis.

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