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Another wave of the COVID-19 epidemic is sweeping the world. Although it is driven by the most infectious and fastest spreading of the coronavirus mutations to date, we ourselves increase the likelihood of BA.5 infection. GP Dr. Tomi Mitchell points out five risky things most COVID-19 patients did before they got sick. Read on as a warning.

  1. Prof. Gut: Outside the cell, the virus is dead. It’s us, the people, who spread it (…)
  2. Among the behaviors that increase the risk of coronavirus infection, Dr. not wearing the mask or wearing it correctly, not keeping your distance or staying too close
  3. Common behaviors while working in the office are also on the doctor’s list
  4. Medic notes that his tips do not exhaust the topic and are rather an encouragement to discuss health choices
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

“It all depends on our behavior”

“The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet” – in the third year of the fight against the coronavirus, no one would want to hear these words anymore. Unfortunately, we have another “version of the pathogen”, moreover, the most portable and the best avoiding immune response of all the coronavirus mutations to date. This is BA.5, “a member of the family” of Omicron. Thanks to him, another wave of the pandemic is sweeping the world. In the last week alone, more than 6 million people have become infected with the coronavirus worldwide.

Although the BA.5 mutation is responsible for the spikes in the disease in many parts of the world, we ourselves pose the risk of infection. It is worth recalling the words of the virologist prof. Włodzimierz Gut from the end of 2021. «Let us remember that the virus is dead outside the cell. It’s us humans spreading it. The wing virus has no wings, it’s a dead structure. Only inside the organism does it acquire the features of life. So no matter what the variant is, the spread of the virus depends on our behavior ».

Which ones exactly? On, family doctor Dr. Tomi Mitchell outlined what most COVID-19 patients did before getting sick.

1. They didn’t wear face masks or they did it wrong

«Given the highly contagious nature of COVID-19, everyone must take precautions to protect themselves and others. One of the most important things we can do is wear a face mask in public, »recalls Dr. Mitchell. “A well-fitted mask effectively reduces the spread of the virus, which is why it is one of the key recommendations” – emphasizes the medic.

Check out the first biodegradable face masks on the market, available in affordable packages. The offer also includes biodegradable FFP2 masks.

“Nevertheless, I have heard of many cases where mask wearers have contracted COVID-19. In most cases, they were located in public spaces, where most people did not wear masks »- points out the doctor. In his opinion, these situations highlight how important it is for this measure to be widely used. «Even if you take all the necessary precautions, you are still at risk if people nearby do not. Therefore, we must all do our best to contain the spread of the coronavirus, and we do so by wearing a mask every time we leave the house ».

2. They skip washing their hands

«Washing your hands regularly is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of getting COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 can spread from person to person through contact with secretions such as saliva or mucus. You can also become infected by touching surfaces infected with the virus and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth»- reminds Dr. Mitchell.

For hand washing, it is worth using proven cosmetic products available on Medonet Market, such as Sylveco moisturizing hand washing gel with a natural composition.

“Washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds can help clear the virus and prevent the pathogen from spreading to others,” says the doctor, adding that refraining from touching your face also reduces the risk of infection, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.

3. They did not keep their distance

“Most people know the general recommendation to stay six feet away from others,” says Tomi Mitchell, adding: “But studies have shown that the virus can spread through small aerosol particles, which means that the six-foot rule may not be enough. The further you can be from other people, the better»- he says straightforwardly.

This recommendation is especially important in closed rooms where the air flow is limited. “Unfortunately, in many workplaces, public transport and other crowded places, it is not always possible to keep a safe distance from others. Nevertheless, we should follow this principle whenever possible. This is necessary to prevent the spread of the coronavirus ».

Despite the increase in the incidence, large events are still held in many places. “Therefore, if you plan to attend a public event, it is essential to take precautions such as wearing a face mask and keeping social distancing,” reminds Dr. Tomi Mitchell. “By accepting these measures you protect yourself and others”.

4. They have neglected their health

«There are many reasons why people can become unresponsive about their own health. For example, they may abandon their current healthy habits or may not take the necessary precautions when they are around others »lists the doctor. All of this increases the likelihood of contracting COVID-19, a disease that can be serious and can have consequences, including death.

Check if your body is coping with the pathogens. Perform an immunity blood test package available from Medonet Market.

Dr. Mitchell points out another important point: if we are sick, we stay at home. “It is essential to prevent the spread of the disease” – he reminds.

5. They returned to their offices

«When people went back to the offices, I saw many of my patients contracted COVID-19. This is not surprising, as a typical workplace can be an ideal breeding ground for a pathogen »says the doctor and points to several reasons for this.

1. In the office, people are often close together, which makes it easier for the virus to spread from person to person.

2. Workers tend to touch surfaces such as door handles, elevator buttons, and copiers, giving the pathogen another route for infection.

3. Office workers often take breaks together or have lunch in close proximity to each other, which further increases the likelihood of contamination.

Tomi Mitchell reminds that while there is no guaranteed way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, there are ways to reduce the risk. This includes providing adequate indoor ventilation and hand sanitizers, as well as alcohol-based wipes, and it is also encouraging employees to stay at home if they are sick. “By taking these precautions, employers can help create a safer working environment for their employees,” emphasizes the medic.

Dr. Mitchell notes that his guidelines do not exhaust the topic of reducing the risk of coronavirus infection. “Rather, they are intended to encourage discussion of health choices.”

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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