Most of us have a vitamin D deficiency. How do I supplement it? Doctor: This is not a simple matter

More and more studies confirm the relationship between vitamin D levels and the course of COVID-19. Meanwhile, even a billion people around the world may have deficiencies in this relationship, including 90% of them. Poles. Supplementing vitamin D deficiencies, however, is not an easy matter – you can overdo it the other way, risking serious complications. How to properly supplement vitamin D and what the optimal dose depends on – explains Lidia Stopyra, an infectious disease specialist.

  1. Vitamin D affects our entire body, including the state of our immunity – especially when it comes to protecting against infections. Meanwhile, the shortage may be up to 90 percent. Poles
  2. However, in the case of vitamin D, supplementation is not that simple. Lidia Stopyra: we cannot supplement ourselves with high doses of vitamin D3 due to the risk of overdosing
  3. To check the level of vitamin D we have and choose the optimal dose, it is worth doing a blood level test – 25 / OH / D3
  4. Dr. Stopyra: a decrease in immunity will occur when there is a large deficiency of vitamin D. If we have the correct level and we continue to take supplements, this immunity will not increase
  5. More information about COVID-19 can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Vitamin D and its relationship to COVID-19. What did the scientists find?

Vitamin D affects the entire body, including the state of our immunity – especially when it comes to protecting against infections. Meanwhile, scientists are finding more and more evidence that it may affect the course of COVID-19 infection.

One of them was a study by specialists from the University of Chicago Medicine (USA) announced at the beginning of September 2020. They were conducted with the participation of almost 500 people. It allowed to establish that low vitamin D levels are conducive to coronavirus infection. – Vitamin D is important for the work of the immune system and it has already been shown that supplements containing it reduce the risk of viral respiratory infections. Our statistical analysis suggests that this may also be true for COVID-19, explained Prof. David Meltzer, co-author of the publication.

  1. Over 80 percent COVID-19 patients may be vitamin D deficient

In late September last year, researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine announced that, according to their study, patients with COVID-19 suffered from complications significantly less and died if they had sufficient levels of vitamin D in their blood. In contrast, the October results of scientists from the University of Birmingham suggest that lower vitamin D levels may increase your susceptibility to COVID-19. We recommend the immune package – COVID-19 antibodies + vitamin D, thanks to which you can determine the level of vitamin D in your body and the level of antibodies associated with the coronavirus.

– It is worth paying attention to the results of these studies – emphasizes Dr. Lidia Stopyra – Nevertheless, if we have vitamin deficiencies, we must supplement them, regardless of whether the pandemic is ongoing or not.

However, in the case of vitamin D, supplementation is not that simple. – We cannot supplement ourselves with high doses of vitamin D3 due to the risk of overdosing. The consequences can be really tragic – warns the expert.

Vitamin D – how much do we need and how to check it?

We have two basic sources of vitamin D. The first is synthesis in the skin under the influence of solar radiation (it satisfies about 80% of the demand), the second – although less important – the diet (10-20%). Vitamin D can be found, among others in fatty fish, fish oils, eggs, it is enriched in spreadable fats.

  1. Vitamin D3 – the vitamin that builds the body. What is worth knowing about it?

If vitamin D is not enough – for example, there is a lack of sunlight, which takes place in our country from October to March – April, there is practically no skin synthesis of vitamin D and it is necessary to supplement its level with supplements (the recommendation of supplementation at this time applies to most people, with insufficient skin synthesis in the summer months – we should support ourselves with supplements throughout the year).

In such a situation, try the Vitamin D3 4000 IU Intenson dietary supplement, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market. You can also buy Vitamin K2 + D3 SOLHERBS or Vitamin D3 SOLHERBS. Both preparations have a natural composition, pullulan capsules and ecological packaging.

It is worth remembering that the need for vitamin D depends on many factors. – It depends, among others depending on whether we are dealing with a young or older man, a woman in the climacteric period has a different need, and a woman at the age of 20 or 30 has a different demand. Children in the period of accelerated growth have a greater need for vitamin D – calculates Dr. Lidia Stopyra.

To check the level of vitamin D we have and – if necessary – choose the optimal dose, it is worth testing its level in the blood – 25 / OH / D3. It determines the optimal values ​​of this compound, deficiencies and values ​​already toxic to the organism. The test is performed like any other vein sampling.

  1. Vitamin D3 level test – when to do it and how much does it cost?

How often do you do this test? – There is no rule – says Dr. Lidia Stopyra. – It doesn’t hurt to do them once a year. Although, for example, adolescents in the period of rapid growth may need to check the level of vitamin D more often, and a person in a stable period of life less often than once a year – explains the expert.

Not sure if you are also struggling with vitamin D deficiency? Buy a blood vitamin level test available at or a home vitamin D level test – a cassette test that will help determine the level of this vitamin in your body. If the level of vitamin D in your body turns out to be too low, we recommend starting supplementation, e.g. with the use of the Vitamin D3 2000 Vivoforte supplement.

Vitamin D – risk of overdose, what dose is safe

Testing the level of vitamin D3 is important not only so that the supplementation taken actually compensates for the deficiencies. It is also very important not to overdose the body through any and uncontrolled intake of vitamin D. – It may also turn out that we have the correct level of vitamin D and when we start using high doses of the supplement, we will lead to an overdose.

  1. Coronavirus: A Diet to Boost Your Immunity. What should you eat now?

What can an overdose of vitamin D end up? Too high levels of vitamin D in the body can initially manifest as loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, pain in the head and eyes, diarrhea. The effects can also be more severe. – Calcium compounds will start to build up in the kidneys, causing metastasis of the kidneys. From my practice, I remember children condemned to dialysis due to an overdose of vitamin D – says our expert. – So we cannot supplement ourselves with large doses of vitamin D3. This can lead to hypervitaminosis. This is not a trivial matter – he warns.

If you experience symptoms of hypervitaminosis, it is worth consulting a doctor. This can be done at any time, even on weekends, thanks to medical advice provided over the Internet.

It is also important that many people take multivitamin supplements and also vitamin D3. – Remember that most of these preparations already contain vitamin D3, when deciding on additional supplementation, take these amounts into account. Vitamin D is also contained in consumed foods and although they are not large amounts, let’s be aware that in this way we also deliver this compound to the body – says the doctor.

  1. We cannot build immunity in one day. How to take care of the immune system? [WE EXPLAIN]

However, if someone wanted to supplement with this compound without testing the level of vitamin D in the blood, what dose can be considered safe? – A dose of 500 to 2 is safe. units per day depending on the risk group of vitamin D3 deficiency. – It is a better solution than if we did not take anything – admits Lidia Stopyra. – However, if we have the ability to determine the level of vitamin D3 in the body and consult a doctor about the dose and the best form of supplementation for us, let’s take advantage of it – he advises.

– We should also remember that a decrease in immunity will occur when there is a large deficiency of vitamin D. If we have the correct level of vitamin D3 and additionally take supplements, this immunity will not increase. On the contrary – as we have already said – we can harm ourselves. The conclusion is this: let’s fix the mistakes, not go to the extreme. It is as if we are trying to make someone emaciated to become obese, instead of trying to achieve a healthy weight.

Do you need a vitamin D supplement? Go to Medonet Market and check the offer of this type of preparations.

Before starting supplementation, perform a Shipment Study of Vitamin D Metabolite Profile to see if you really need it.

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