Most millennials will be overweight. This can cause cancer to develop

As many as seven out of 10 people – born between the early 80s and mid-90s – will be overweight by the time they reach middle age.

Although the survey concerns the British, it may also be accurate in the case of Poles. According to Cancer Research, as much as 70 percent. generations of the so-called millennials will be overweight between the ages of 35 and 44. The organization warns that obesity is the main cause of as many as 13 types of cancer – including the breast, gut, ovaries, kidneys and liver.

Alison Cox from Cancer Research UK explains that being overweight is the leading cause of cancer development after smoking. However, most people are unaware of this. In her opinion, awareness of this can not only save the lives of millennials, but also the lives of future generations.

There, Fry, chairman of the National Obesity Forum, is appalled by the results of the research. She points out that politicians are not coping with the obesity crisis. In his opinion, the authorities should do everything to limit the sugar, fat and calorie content of food products.

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