Mosquitoes will help fight the dengue epidemic. Genetically modified insects reduce disease incidence by 77%.

Instead of killing the insects carrying the dangerous virus, scientists decided to infect them with the bacterium Wolbachia, which is harmless to insects. Studies have shown that this procedure reduces the number of infections by as much as 77 percent.

  1. Dengue is one of the most serious mosquito-borne diseases
  2. Has flu-like symptoms, but can also cause hemorrhages and blood clotting disorders that are life-threatening
  3. How to reduce the spread of disease by mosquitoes? Researchers from the World Mosquito Program came up with an interesting idea
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Dengue is one of the most serious tropical mosquito-borne infectious diseases. Dengue symptoms usually appear 3–14 days after an infected mosquito bites. These are flu-like symptoms, characterized primarily by weakness and muscle and joint pain.

  1. Dengue – the most common viral infection transmitted by insects

Unfortunately, symptoms are not always the same. There may also be fever, headache, conjunctivitis or pharyngitis, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Some people also develop a rash – told “Medonet” Dr. Andrzej Kotłowski, head of the Department of Tropical Medicine and Epidemiology of the Medical University of Gdańsk.

Some patients develop a hemorrhagic form or shock. As a result of blood coagulation disorders, ecchymoses appear on the skin and bleeding from the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth or genital tract and gastrointestinal tract. These disorders are life-threatening and usually appear after a few days of illness.

How to deal with a dangerous virus?

Many governments have tried to deal with the virus transmitted by mosquitoes. One of the ideas is, of course, an attempt to release insecticides, insecticides, into the ecosystem.

One revolutionary idea came up with researchers from the World Mosquito Program team, who over the past three years have been looking for a solution to the problem of dengue infections in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Scientists decided to infect the mosquitoes present in the city with the Wolbachia bacterium. According to the BBC, researcher Dr. Katie Anders: Wolbachia does not harm the mosquito, but it camps in the same parts of the body that the dengue virus must get into.

A mosquito infected with the bacterium has a difficult task of transmitting the dengue virus. There are two dangerous bacteria in it: one is responsible for dengue, the other is Wolbachia. Bacteria, as it were, compete with each other in the mosquito’s body for resources and “make it much more difficult for the dengue virus to replicate, so the mosquito is less susceptible to infection when it bites again”.

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77 percent fewer infections with serious disease

This is a unique solution for many reasons. First, it is done without killing the species. Second, the bacteria that researchers have infected with mosquitoes is completely harmless to them. Third, and most importantly, the results of the study confirmed that the number of dengue infections in Yogyakarta fell by 77%.

David Hamer, professor of medicine at Boston University, said the newly developed method on insects has “exciting potential” for research into the Zika virus, yellow fever, and other mosquito-borne diseases. (bs)

Read also:

  1. This will be another pandemic? People can become infected from birds
  2. The dengue epidemic has hit French overseas territories
  3. WHO warns against dengue fever

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