Mosquitoes most often choose these four groups of people as their “victims”

Summer is the time of the year associated with beautiful weather, the possibility of relaxing on a holiday vacation and…. tiring mosquitoes. Insects can spoil your mood even when camping or having a barbecue with family or friends. It turns out that there are four groups of people who most often complain about mosquito bites. Who do the insects most often choose as their “prey”?

  1. Four factors influence the frequency of mosquito bites 
  2. Among the people exposed to more frequent mosquito bites are people with blood group 0 
  3. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page 

Among the elements that affect more frequent mosquito bites, the most common factors are factors that are beyond human control, such as their blood type. So it is not always possible to prevent the risk of mosquito bites, but there are other ways to protect yourself. There are preparations available on the market that will alleviate the symptoms caused by mosquito bites.

It is definitely worth having in your first aid kit:

  1. Mosquito and fluff repellent plasters, 
  2. Mosquito repellent fragrance,
  3. Set for mosquitoes and ticks – spray 50% DEET + balm for MUGGA bites. 

These and other products are available at

Blood type that attracts mosquitoes

People with blood group 0 more often complain of insect bites. Studies show that people with this blood group struggle with 83 percent. the likelihood of being bitten by a mosquito. At the same time, people with blood type A are less exposed to this risk. After a mosquito bite, you can soothe skin irritation and the resulting swelling with a special Mini-Click preparation that soothes the symptoms of mosquito bites.

This may interest you: Effective ways to fight insects.

Pregnant women are more likely to get mosquito bites

Another group of people who attract mosquitoes are pregnant women, who are more noticeable by mosquitoes due to the greater amount of carbon dioxide they emit when breathing. Pregnant women remove by 21 percent. more carbon dioxide than the rest of the population, which has to do with their elevated body temperature.

Mosquitoes bite runners more often

Mosquitoes are attracted not only by the carbon dioxide emitted by mosquitoes, but also by lactic acid. This acid is produced in the muscles through exercise, which is why people who play sports are more likely to get bitten by mosquitoes. This situation often happens to people who run outdoors. A good idea to protect against mosquitoes is to run with a special anti-mosquito and fluff repellent armband.

Read also: Home remedies for mosquito bites.

Mosquitoes “choose” people who drink alcohol

Mosquitoes are more active in warm weather, and warming drinks such as alcohol add to mosquito interest. Alcohol increases the temperature of our body, which for insects is a kind of invitation to bite.

To minimize the risk of mosquito bites, reach for the Sanity tick and mosquito kit, which includes a repellent spray and a preparation for freezing and removing ticks.

The editorial board recommends: What to do so that mosquito bites do not itch?

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