“Moscow” tincture is remembered for its rich brown color of aged cognac, soft herbal aroma and well-balanced taste, which harmoniously combines different notes of herbs. An excellent strong drink for Russian meat and fish snacks.
Historical information
The author of the recipe is unknown. According to legend, the tincture gained wide popularity after it was tried by a Moscow authority in a sanatorium in the early 90s. It turned out that the drink was prepared by one of the employees, and the recipe was a family secret that had been passed from mother to daughter since the XNUMXth century.
This “businessman” owned a chain of restaurants in Moscow and offered a job in his establishments to an employee of the sanatorium. After some hesitation, the woman agreed, as she needed money for the treatment of her daughter. True, she did not tell anyone the composition and the exact recipe, and she always prepared the tincture so that no one could spy on her.
In the end, the fate of this woman was tragic – she was accidentally shot during a showdown in a restaurant. So the original recipe was lost. It was recreated by a fan of the drink around the 2000s. It took him more than 5 years of experimentation to get closer to the original taste.
Recipe for “Moscow” tincture
- ginger root – 15 g;
- galangal root – 6 g;
- dried sage – 1 tablespoon without a slide (it is advisable to use only inflorescences);
- dried peppermint – 0,5 tablespoon without a slide;
- vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) – 0,5 l.
Sage leaves and twigs give a strong bitterness, so I recommend taking only flowers, they can be purchased at the market or at the pharmacy.
In the classic recipe, the alcohol base has a strength of 45%, but regular forty-degree vodka is also suitable. If moonshine is used, then it should be a double-distilled sugar or grain drink.
Technology of preparation
1. Cut ginger into medium circles and place in a container for infusion – a glass bottle or jar.
2. Add galangal root, sage and mint there.
3. Pour in the alcohol base (moonshine, diluted alcohol or vodka). Close hermetically.
4. Leave for 14 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake every 3-4 days.
5. Strain the finished “Moscow” tincture through several layers of gauze.
6. Pour the drink into bottles for storage. Close tightly. Leave for several hours in the refrigerator or cellar to stabilize the taste.
The shelf life of “Moscow” tincture away from direct sunlight is up to 3 years. Fortress – 37-42% vol. depending on the alcohol base.
Detailed cooking technology on video.