Morphological study of the biopsy

A morphological study of a biopsy is a histology of tissue sections that were obtained during surgery or endoscopy. This analysis allows you to determine the structure of the tissue and sometimes the cause of the disease, the presence of the pathogen. With the correct interpretation of this analysis, the doctor subsequently selects an effective treatment.

This type of research is often critical. For example, patients who suffer from chronic gastritis can only be thoroughly checked by determining the morphological structure of the biopsy. The diagnostic method allows diagnosing a precancerous condition and the presence of other serious diseases in the early stages.

Algorithm for conducting a morphological study of biopsy specimens

Histological examination is carried out using a high resolution light microscope. The laboratory assistant performs the necessary preparation of the preparation, including dehydration and pouring the sample into paraffin blocks. Then, using a microtome (a tool for preparing sections of biological tissues), the laboratory assistant prepares a preparation for research (several micrometers thick).

Separated tissues are placed on a special glass and a special staining procedure is carried out, which allows maximum visualization of individual cells. After the histologist receives the results of the study, he writes his opinion, on the basis of which the attending doctor makes or confirms the diagnosis and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

In clinical practice, an urgent morphological study is often carried out – when tissues are excised for histology during the operation. Urgent diagnostics is done when it is necessary to determine the course of surgical intervention as quickly as possible. The method of urgent diagnostics consists in instantaneous freezing of tissues (dehydration is not carried out). This is followed by standard cell microscopy. It should be noted that the duration of the instant study is at least half an hour.

Another option for conducting MIB is cytology. An analysis for cytology does not imply excision of tissues, but a collection of cells for examination, when a piece of the mucous membrane is not available for making a preliminary diagnosis. This research method is most often used in gynecology – a smear of the mucous membranes of the cervix. It is prescribed to detect neoplasms in the early stages. It should be noted that in practice, biopsy is much more efficient and effective than cytology.

Indications and contraindications for the study

Usually, a biopsy is prescribed to patients when there is a suspicion of the development of oncological diseases. Morphological examination of biopsy specimens is necessary for the following indications:

  • pathology of the digestive tract, soft tissues, retroperitoneal space, mediastinum, chest wall, pleural cavity of the lungs, hematoma;
  • “cold” nodule or cyst of the thyroid gland;
  • malignant neoplasm;
  • tumors of unknown etiology in the adrenal glands;
  • abscess and focal lesions of the spleen;
  • liver pathology.

Morphological examination of biopsy specimens is contraindicated in:

  • the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • suspected melanoma;
  • refusal of the patient in writing to carry out the procedure;
  • the ability to conduct a diagnostic study of a non-invasive type;
  • severe blood clotting disorder.

It should be noted that during the period of tissue sampling for MIB, complications may occur: air embolism, tumor dissemination and, in rare cases, death.

Methods for taking biopsy samples

The most minimally traumatic method of research today is considered to be a puncture aspiration biopsy. For its implementation, a percutaneous puncture is performed with a hollow needle, through which tissues are taken from the pathological focus. Most often, this type of tissue sampling occurs under the control of ultrasound. Among the disadvantages of this method, it is worth noting: the lack of a XNUMX% guarantee of an exact hit in the pathological focus, the selected material may not be enough for the study.

Core-needle trephine biopsy – special threaded needles are used. They seem to be screwed into the studied tissues and pulled out sharply.

An incisional biopsy is a type of tissue excision that is performed during surgery. It is worth noting that the procedure is not for therapeutic, but exclusively for diagnostic purposes. The surgeon sees the pathogenic focus and performs excision of the biopsy for analysis from several sites.

An excisional biopsy is performed under conditions of surgical intervention and involves the complete removal of a neoplasm or damaged organ.

Preparation for biopsy sampling

In order for the obtained materials to be suitable for diagnosis, the patient is recommended: before the procedure, do not drink alcoholic beverages for at least three days, give up spicy and sour food for a week. The biopsy of the gastrointestinal tract is performed completely on an empty stomach. It is important to tell your doctor if you are taking any medications.

Most often, the biopsy is taken under local anesthesia, therefore, if the patient has disorders of the central nervous system, he is offered to take a sedative. The duration of the procedure will take from several minutes to an hour, everything directly depends on the localization of the pathological focus.

The result of a morphological study of the biopsy will show the presence of an inflammatory and infectious pathogen, as well as the type of neoplasm, etc. The results are transmitted directly to the treating doctor (he is indicated in the referral), or the patient can pick them up (usually the next day). It is important to remember that timely diagnosis will help to identify and treat the pathology as quickly and effectively as possible.

Sources of
  1. Korzhevsky D. E., Gilerovich E. G., Kirik O. V., Sukhorukova E. G. – Morphological diagnostics. Preparation of material for histological examination and electron microscopy: a guide / ed. D. E. Korzhevsky. – St. Petersburg: SpecLit, 2013. – 127 p.

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