Morning swelling: what foods in your diet will help to avoid them

What to eat and drink in the evening, so that the next morning it becomes bad, we all know very well. But not everyone knows what foods you can and should include in your diet to get rid of morning swelling. The advice of a nutritionist will help in solving this common problem.

Causes of the problem

Excessive accumulation of fluid in the organs and extracellular tissue spaces of the body can occur for a variety of reasons. In particular, these are:

  • Avitaminosis
  • Inflammatory process
  • Bacterial infections
  • Problems in the work of the kidneys
  • Allergic manifestations
  • Violation of the water-salt balance
  • High venous pressure and narrowing of the veins
  • Hormonal imbalance affecting sodium retention
  • Increased capillary permeability due to toxic damage

It is possible to solve the already existing problem with the constant accumulation of water in the body by compiling a balanced diet, a variety of water “menu” with mineral waters, visiting a bath (if there are no contraindications), and reducing salt intake.


Important! Despite the fact that everyone advises removing salt from the diet during fasting days and in many diets, this is a mistake.

Table salt should be present in small quantities. The thing is that an insufficient amount of sodium, like potassium, pushes the body to retain these trace elements from any incoming food and not give them away. Sodium retention occurs. It leads to water retention and swelling.

So salt is needed, but strictly up to 5 g per day. In order to understand which products will help get rid of puffiness for you, you first need to consult with a specialist and identify the exact cause of swelling.

In any case, it is necessary to adjust the diet, and special attention should be paid to the following products.

Bell pepper

We focus on the red variety, as it has a high content of magnesium and potassium. They help fight puffiness, and are also known for their ability to remove toxins.

Bulgarian pepper is a storehouse of nutrients that our body needs. It contains a very small amount of sugar in the composition, about 5%, and is the absolute champion among vegetables and fruits in terms of vitamin C content, lemon cannot even be compared with it.

Adding pepper to a salad, cutting it into strips as an appetizer is the best solution. In the evening you get a healthy and nutritious dinner, and in the morning you wake up without edema and with radiant skin.


It is the main product in the treatment and prevention of edema. Fruits actively remove salts – the main cause of edema. Various cooking options are possible here: steamed, stewed, and boiled – in any form, eggplant will have a beneficial effect, so we include it in the mandatory dinner program.


The famous phrase: “If you want to eat, eat an apple” is relevant even here. The mass of vitamins and microelements contained in apples helps not only to get rid of edema, but also to normalize weight, slow down the aging process and improve digestion.


At this point, you can add both dill and leek, but it is precisely parsley that occupies a leading place among the greens. The diuretic effect that parsley has is provided by reducing the reabsorption of sodium. The pressure in the kidney channels is weakened, and water is actively excreted from the body.

Parsley can be added to a salad for dinner, which will allow you to wake up without swelling the next day, and you can also decorate your breakfast with it. This will get rid of swelling faster.


This product should be treated with extreme caution, since dried apricots have not only a diuretic effect, but also a laxative, and it is also an allergen.

In minimal quantities, a decoction or compote of dried apricots will help get rid of problems with puffiness in a few hours. But you should drink no more than 200-400 ml, which is about 2 glasses.

Morning Beauty Pledge

These are the main points that will help you control swelling and enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror at the beginning of the day.

1. Adjust your diet, introduce more seasonal vegetables, fruits and herbs.

2. Avoid fatty, fried foods, especially in the evening.

3. Keep hydrated.

4. Try to play sports, but in moderation – swimming, jumping rope, hiking.

About expert

Anna Ivashkevich – Nutritionist, clinical nutritionist, member of the Union of the National Association of Clinical Nutrition.

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