Morning stretching. NFZ training for quarantine
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Exercises with chairs, a towel and on unstable ground. For the spine and muscle strength. The National Health Fund (NFZ) has launched a series of trainings for the duration of the quarantine. Whole families can use them.

Daily training as a way to survive the quarantine

As part of the NFZ Academy, the National Health Fund has prepared a series of trainings, which are presented daily in the morning program “Question for Breakfast” (8.00–8.45), and also available on YouTube. The exercises were developed and prepared by a medical fitness trainer, doctor and physiotherapist from Exercise is Medicine Poland.

The National Health Fund emphasizes that during quarantine, physical activity plays a particularly important role for our physical and mental health. Workouts improve not only the form, but also the well-being. The World Health Organization also encourages regular exercise. WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week (or a combination of the two ways to stay in shape). Exercises can be successfully performed at home, without special equipment and with limited space.

Here are some of the proposals prepared by the National Health Fund:

PART 1: A healthy spine

PART 2: Resistance Training

SECTION 3: Active recess

SECTION 4: Introduction to Intervals

SECTION 5: Family exercises

More videos on the channel Akademia NFZ.

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