Tell me, do you have a morning ritual? Something that you do in the morning and that charges you for fruitful work and development. I know many students of the Distance and students of the University of Practical Psychology who have morning rituals, but I still cannot understand what works better in them — the action itself or suggestion.
For example, for many, the morning ritual is a run. Well, here it is clear that the action is more likely to work — the body immediately receives such a charge of vivacity that it lasts for several hours for sure!
Someone has a morning ritual — make faces in the mirror or smile, it’s more about suggestion, right? Just a good anchor that sets the right mood.
There are people who have a ritual to say something aloud, loudly and distinctly, as a command. Either to yourself or to those around you. Remember where it was? “Get up, Count, great things await you!”
I would definitely come up with some kind of morning ritual
I can even share my morning rituals:
- Be sure to smile! Immediately as soon as you wake up.
- Do facial exercises in front of a mirror.
- Fool around, for example, meow (when no one sees or hears, of course).
- For at least one minute to carry complete nonsense (my favorite exercise about delusional generation) — this launches creativity for the whole day.
- Jogging — when it depends on the circumstances and mood (often, instead of jogging, active exercises from martial arts).
I wonder what your morning rituals are? Perhaps it’s something special? And if there is no ritual yet, maybe it’s time to create this ritual? It will work for you every day! Plus, it’s a good variety!