Morning exercises – tips and charging program

Morning exercises are a universal exercise for all ages. Let’s talk about the benefits of exercise and give some useful tips.

The benefits of morning exercises are not obvious to everyone, although many put them on the list of must-have activities for promoting health. Daily exercise helps many to cheer up better than a cup of coffee. It does not take much time, allows you to work out almost all muscle groups, warm them up and strengthen them. The positive effect does not end there.

Basic Benefits of Morning Exercise

  1. Improves lymphatic flow and the functioning of the circulatory system.
  2. The vestibular apparatus is being developed.
  3. Drowsiness goes away, the body quickly goes into an active state.
  4. Accelerates cellular metabolism.
  5. Do not overexert muscles.

The benefits of gymnastics for different age groups

Gymnastics can be done by the whole family, and for everyone, the morning workout will have its own healing effect. Let’s consider them in more detail.


For toddlers and teenagers, daily exercise is good for overall physical development. If you teach your child to morning exercises, in the future it will be easier for him to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What is a useful set of exercises for children:

  • improves brain function, enhances cognitive abilities;
  • mood improves;
  • the child becomes more vigorous and active;
  • all muscle groups are strengthened.


Morning exercises help to keep the body in good shape, it is useful for lack of physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle. Gymnastic exercises after sleep stimulate the release of endorphins, thanks to which it is easier to cope with mental stress and reduce irritability.

In young and middle age, charging helps:

  • increase attention and improve concentration due to oxygen entering the brain during exercise;
  • reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • maintain body weight at the same level;
  • improve immunity;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • prevent the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Elderly people

It is useful for people of retirement and pre-retirement age to do exercises for 15 minutes every day for general health purposes, to improve coordination and work of the vestibular apparatus.

The benefits of morning exercise include:

  • strengthening the skeleton;
  • improving well-being;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • reducing breathing problems.

How to do morning exercises

In order for exercise to have a positive effect on the body, you need to follow a few recommendations.

  1. Start immediately after waking up, you can start by stretching in bed. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and not to rush.
  2. Do no more than 10-15 minutes. A morning set of exercises is needed to tone up, leave active training and high loads for the daytime.
  3. Well ventilate the room. More oxygen will enter the brain, and the body will wake up faster. If possible, practice outside.
  4. If possible, work out all muscle groups. If there are no restrictions for health reasons, a uniform small load will have a general strengthening effect.
  5. After charging, take a contrast shower if there are no contraindications. After water procedures, blood circulation improves, the cardiovascular system strengthens.

When morning exercises can hurt

Most of those who wish can exercise without restrictions. However, some groups of people should be careful about the choice of exercises and carefully monitor the state of the body during gymnastics. The main contraindications include chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With osteochondrosis, arthrosis or arthritis, exercises from the complex of physiotherapy exercises are prescribed. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

It is undesirable to engage in charging in the presence of:

  • ARVI;
  • nausea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • chronic diseases of the joints, especially during periods of exacerbation.

An example of a universal morning exercise program for every day

  1. Squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands in front of you in a “lock”. Next, squat, pulling back the pelvis. Keep moving until your knee is at a 90-degree angle, and then straighten your torso. The exercise must be repeated 30-40 times. – Exercise allows you to work out the muscles of the buttocks and hips.
  2. Push ups. It is better to do one approach for the maximum number of times. The position is in an emphasis lying, palms and socks rest on the floor, the press should be tense, and the body should be extended in a straight line. Next, you need to bend and unbend your arms at the elbows. – Exercise allows you to work out the muscles of the chest, arms, abs and upper back.
  3. Glute bridge. Lie down on the floor. The arms are extended along the body, the legs are bent at the knees and slightly apart to the sides. Next, you need to raise the pelvis as high as possible. Emphasis should fall only on the shoulder blades and feet. – Exercise allows you to work out the press, buttocks and back of the thigh.  
  4. Strap. Pose, as during push-ups. Then you need to shift the emphasis from the palms to the forearms. In this position, you need to stand for 1 minute (minimum). – Exercise allows you to work out all muscle groups.

By adding morning exercises to your daily schedule, you will feel noticeable improvements in the state of the body in a few weeks or even days, strengthen your willpower and form a good habit. See also: How to start exercising after a long break?

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