Morning exercises for weight loss. Exercise videos

Morning exercises for weight loss. Exercise videos

Morning exercises are not a substitute for a full workout in the gym or a long run, but for those who want to keep their body in shape even in the face of a lack of time, this is a great way. In addition, exercise in the morning helps prevent many diseases, energizes the body for the whole day, increases performance and improves mood.

Morning exercises are one of the most effective ways to get your body in shape, lose weight, improve health, temper the body, recharge with positive energy, and also cultivate good psychological qualities: punctuality, willpower, responsibility. Studies show that it is most beneficial to exercise in the morning when the body has recently woken up, is not yet tired of mental and physical stress. Having done several intense exercises in the morning, a person immediately wakes up, becomes vigorous, receives a great charge of energy and is ready for a long and eventful day, during the next hours he gets less tired, has time to do more and feels much better.

Preparing the body for productive work and a good mood throughout the day is not the only beneficial effect of morning exercises. Like any other sports exercise, morning exercises help to maintain physical activity, a good body shape, and a blooming appearance for many years. Women who go in for sports from a young age look younger, have more elastic, healthier and smoother skin, maintain a girlish figure, have no problems with cellulite, excess weight, fatigue and shortness of breath, less likely to suffer from wrinkles, joint problems, dry skin and other age-related changes. In addition, morning exercises are an excellent prophylaxis against many diseases, it strengthens the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and immune systems.

Regular exercise increases body flexibility, reduces the likelihood of injury and serious consequences after falls and other troubles

Morning exercises are useful for a woman in that it improves metabolism, increases blood circulation, normalizes hormones, helps with premenstrual syndrome and reduces pain during menstruation (the effect will be noticeable after several weeks of regular morning exercises, while engaging in strength and very intense exercises during the time of the menstruation itself does not follow). A woman’s physical fitness means that it will be easier for her to bear and give birth to a child.

Morning exercises fights depression and stress, helps maintain peace of mind even during life’s problems. Sport increases the quality of sleep, eliminates insomnia, and improves appetite. And since women who go in for sports usually pay more attention to their diet, proper nutrition also contributes to health: it improves skin condition, eliminates many chronic diseases, and slows down the aging process. And finally, morning exercises prolong life.

Do your morning exercises regularly, every day at about the same time, without skipping exercises for no good reason. Laziness, want to sleep, no time, bad mood, day off – not a reason to take a break, after which it is more difficult to resume training. After three to four weeks, the habit of getting up earlier and starting the day with morning exercises will develop, and you will no longer remember about laziness, at least it will be more difficult for you to skip once on a whim after such a good start. In the meantime, there is still no habit, force yourself to do exercises every day – get up early, wash and take a shower, do a warm-up and start active exercises.

You need to start playing sports with simple exercises, gradually complicating the workout. Any exercise begins with a calm pace, after which gradually the exercises become more and more intense.

It is advisable to practice outdoors or with an open window. Wear comfortable, relaxed and loose clothing for charging. Do not forget to warm up, and after charging, take a couple of minutes to stretch.

A set of intense exercises

After warming up at a calm pace (pay attention to all the muscles in the body), you can start more intense and difficult exercises. Try to use different muscle groups, do not focus on only one part of the body, even if it seems to you the most important. You should not start with high-level exercises, if you have poor physical fitness, choose an exercise that is intense enough, but not exhausting.

Here’s one example of a mid-range intense morning exercise:

  • squats with legs wide apart until the upper legs are parallel to the floor;
  • quick push-ups from the knees (for a higher level – on straight legs);
  • lying on your stomach, raise straightened arms and legs;
  • press exercise – twisting or lifting the legs;
  • jumping rope or any other intense exercise at a fast pace – you can even dance to the music.

Each exercise should be repeated 10-15 times. It is advisable that the morning exercise time does not exceed 30 minutes, if it is very intense exercise, then 15 minutes is enough. Check your heart rate after exercise – it should be no more than 140 beats per minute, since morning exercises are not a full-fledged strength or aerobic workout.

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