Morning erection in men
There are still many myths about such a well-known phenomenon as male morning erection. How often should it be, why does it arise, what to do if it is not there … Let’s look at the most popular questions

Causes of morning erection

During an erection, the spongy and cavernous bodies in the male genital organ fill with blood, and it increases – this is a natural process. Contrary to popular belief, a morning erection does not at all indicate a man’s sexual arousal. It arises involuntarily and is caused by internal processes.

Sexual activity is strongly influenced by the level of hormones. And it is in the morning, from about 5 o’clock, that the level of testosterone, the main male hormone, reaches its maximum. Usually at night, the bladder fills up and the nerve endings receive a signal about the urge to urinate – this causes a reflex erection.

Also, during the “REM” phases of sleep, brain activity increases, which can also affect arousal.

What to do if there is no morning erection

The first involuntary erections in boys occur in the womb. From late adolescence, morning erections become regular. They accompany a man until about 50 years of age. With excellent physical shape and the absence of disease, the frequency of involuntary erections remains at about the same level even at 70, but this is an exception.

If erections began to disappear due to age, then this is a normal phenomenon and you should not worry, but it is worth checking with a urologist – over the years, the risk of prostatitis and oncology increases, one of the signs of which is problems with potency.

At a young age, the absence of morning erections for a couple of months is alarming. If there was no prolonged stress and lack of sleep that could cause a problem, you should contact a specialist. The reason may lie in hormonal failure, poor vascular function.

Even psychological problems affect potency. Only a specialist can determine exactly what affected the erection, and he will also tell you how to deal with the problem.

In addition to visiting a doctor, you need to rest more, play sports, eliminate bad habits – sometimes this alone is enough for the erection problem to recover.


In isolated cases, when the morning erection disappears, you should not sound the alarm and run to the doctors. But if there was no morning erection for a long time, this indicates health problems. Each case needs a separate analysis at the urologist’s appointment. The doctor conducts an examination, a survey, if necessary, takes tests for infections – urine and a smear.

Before visiting a doctor, analyze after which the morning erection disappeared, how your lifestyle, nutrition, and well-being have changed lately. This will help determine the cause.

Doctor’s advice

The better the condition of the body, the more often there is a morning erection. Sometimes, to restore potency, it is enough to fully rest, resume physical exercises, and eat right. If the problem persists even after lifestyle changes, you need to contact a specialist.

Popular questions and answers

This phenomenon should be treated calmly, but carefully. The more you know about your health, the more confident you will feel and immediately recognize possible problems.

Should guys have erections in the morning?

Yes. This is a kind of indicator of the well-being and health of a man. In old age, it almost disappears over time and this is normal. But in youth, morning erections are fairly regular.

Why can a morning erection disappear?

The reason may be a sharp decrease in the level of the sex hormone testosterone, infection. Circulatory and heart problems due to low hemoglobin or taking drugs to treat hypertension. Some medications can affect the stability of erections. The reasons are not necessarily so serious – men’s health is quite “fragile” and reacts even to a simple lack of sleep.

How often should a morning erection be?

There is no exact frequency, but there is a dependence on age. Normal will be the appearance of a morning erection at least every day, at least once a couple of times a week. It occurs more often in younger men than in older men. Much depends on the time when you woke up – sometimes you can not find a morning erection, although it was. Usually, such morning erections do not last long and go away on their own.

There is a rare condition called intermittent nocturnal priapism. During it, an involuntary erection lasts for hours, is quite painful and does not subside on its own. The condition is considered dangerous and, if it occurs, it must be treated urgently, otherwise it may lead to erection problems in the future.

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