Moringa – lovers of healthy eating know it perfectly well

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Moringa oleifera (Moringa oleifera) is also known as horseradish tree, because of the characteristic taste of the roots, similar to the taste of horseradish. It is sometimes also called a “long life tree” or “miracle tree”, because it is considered an extremely valuable and healthy plant. It was included in the superfood group – the so-called superfoods. Is it really worth it?

Moringa – where does it come from and what does it contain?

Moringa it is a species of tropical tree in the family moringids, growing in the northwest of India and Pakistan. It also occurs in the region of other Asian countries, as well as in Africa and South America. The tree grows up to 10 meters tall and all its parts are used: bark, roots, fruit, leaves and flowers. The roots have a similar taste to horseradish roots, hence the different name morning, that is, “the horseradish tree”. Moreover, they show properties anti-inflammatory and antibiotic-like. The same is the case with leaf and bark extract. Fruits, shoots and leaves are used in the kitchen, and the seeds are used to produce oil (non-rancid), which works well both in the kitchen and in the production of, for example, soap and paints. Moringa it is also used as animal feed and for biofuel.

The plant contains a lot of valuable ingredients, such as antioxidants, protein (twice as much as soy), potassium, iron (25 times more than spinach), vitamins A, C and E. It also contains a lot of manganese, chromium and boron. Manganese is responsible for the health of bones and joints, chromium plays a large role in the fight against stress and supports metabolism, and boron is extremely important for the proper functioning of the brain. Moringa it contains more boron than any other plant. It is also an excellent source of antioxidants, thanks to which it protects against antioxidant stress and helps prevent the development of serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Apart from that Moringa contains amino acids and omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.

High-quality products with moringa are offered by the Intenson brand. The plant should be included in your daily diet because it has health-promoting properties. You can buy moringa in the form of leaves or powder at a bargain price at

What does moringa help for?

Moringa supports the body in some diseases and conditions that have a negative impact on the comfort of everyday life:

  1. thanks to the high content of vitamins A and E, it significantly improves the condition of the skin,

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  1. thanks to the content of large amounts of fiber, it improves the functioning of the digestive system, especially the large intestine,
  2. high content of calcium and manganese significantly supports the skeletal system,
  3. thanks to the iron content, it helps to deal with the feeling of constant fatigue,
  4. has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties,
  5. helps in lowering cholesterol levels.

Moringa Olejodajna is a Swanson dietary supplement that you can buy on Medonet Market. It naturally supports the body’s immunity with the help of minerals and nutrients it contains. At Medonet Market you will also find Vitama Nature moringa dietary supplement, which supports the functioning of the digestive system.

Contraindications to the use of Moringa

Moringa is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women as it may cause uterine contractions which may result in miscarriage.


It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist when taking herbal preparations, because the selection of an appropriate herbal preparation requires as much knowledge as in the case of a chemical preparation. It should be remembered that these types of preparations may interact with the medications taken, posing a threat to our health. Some herbal preparations can have a very strong effect, therefore all recommendations and restrictions provided by the manufacturer should be followed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers must exercise particular caution when using them.

Moringa in cosmetics

In cosmetology it is mainly used for hair and skin care. Moringa Oil it can do a lot of good for the skin, as well as for the hair, which thanks to its use will be soft, fluffy and should additionally gain a beautiful shine. It is also perfect for massage, order the Nourishing Anti-Aging Oil from the moringa tree of life today.

Moringa seed extract can be found in the RITUAL CARE Sensilis Gentle Facial Cleansing Musa. The cosmetic is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Moringa on a plate

Too in the kitchen this plant has found its place. It can be boiled (fruit and young shoots) and eaten after cooking. The leaves have a delicate, subtle aftertaste, comparable to the taste of cress, you can use them as an addition to salads, soups, various cocktails and shakes.

You can also buy moringa in the form of capsules. Moringa for the correct blood sugar level from Herbapol in Krakow is available on Medonet Market. It can be purchased separately or in a special herbal set FOR DIABETIC.

In the kitchen is also used moringa oil. It should be eaten cold, because at higher temperatures it may lose its valuable advantages (e.g. antioxidants oxidize). It should be stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Moringa flavor it is extremely subtle and therefore can be used as an addition to sweet and dry dishes. Powdered goes well with yoghurt, cheese, humus, it can be an ingredient in smoothies and fruit and vegetable juices. You can buy BIO moringa powder at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

Due to these properties, it is worth introducing moringa to your daily menu! It can also be made in the form of tea prepared on the basis of Immortality – a mixture of herbs available on Medonet Market.

It is worth remembering that supplementation will not replace contact with a doctor. If you experience disturbing ailments, be sure to make an appointment. Take advantage of the online teleconsultation at your family doctor on the website, where you will get professional help without leaving your home.

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