Morinda limonolistina

Morinda lemon-leaved (or citrus-leaved) is an evergreen tree of the Rubiaceae family. This plant is widespread in South Asia and the South Pacific region. There is a tree in Hawaii, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia. In medicine, various parts of this plant have been used for more than 2000 years, there is evidence of this found in ancient Chinese manuscripts. It is noteworthy that the plant itself does not get sick and is not susceptible to pests.

Useful properties of morinda lemon leaf

Active substances that can have a beneficial effect on the human body are found in the leaves, fruits, bark and flowers of Morinda. The fruit is used to produce the world-famous Noni Juice. The plant contains various vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, serotonin, anthraquinic compounds, alkaloids, antioxidants and many other elements. In total, more than 150 types of biologically active substances were found in Morinda extract.

Contained in Morinda lemon leaf and substances such as proxeronine and damnacanthal. The latter initiates normal structure in the cells and delays the formation of cancer cells. Proxeronine provides cells with all the important substances and removes accumulated toxins from them.

In the course of research, it was noticed that Morinda does not help everyone and not in all cases, but 8 out of 10 people noted its positive effect on their health. This plant has more than 100 applications, and therefore its benefits simply cannot be overestimated.

Therapeutic effect of morinda lemongrass

It has been experimentally established that the extract obtained from the Morinda root has a strong analgesic effect that can help with headaches and premenstrual syndrome in women. The fruits contain substances that kill many types of pathogenic microorganisms. The roots and leaves contain compounds that have an anticoagulant effect in venous congestion, hemorrhoids, and menstruation disorders. Flowers and bark are used in the treatment of diseases of the eyes, respiratory organs, throat, healing of various wounds and abscesses. Morinda also has a mild laxative effect. Juice from the leaves successfully treat arthritis.

This plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-cancer effects. Restores damaged cells, regulates their normal function. Stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, killing parasites and worms, treats diseases of the respiratory system, has a calming effect on the nervous system. Those suffering from diabetes, hypertension and gastrointestinal ulcers will also appreciate this versatile herb.

Morinda has long been used to treat drug and alcohol addiction, depression. This plant helps regulate mood during hormonal disruptions in women and men, especially during menopause or in the postpartum period. In the presence of sexual disorders, Morinda also proved itself on the positive side, the effect of this plant on male potency, increased fertility and endurance was noted. Also, active substances allow you to fight sexually transmitted diseases, diseases of the endocrine and genitourinary systems. Morinda successfully treat kidney diseases, including acute and chronic.

Morinda has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood, regulating the number of leukocytes. This plant can also improve the condition of blood vessels and capillaries. Regular consumption of Morinda in food contributes to a longer preservation of the youth of the whole organism.

Morinda is also an excellent immunomodulator that helps the body to be resistant to viral attacks, as well as recover faster from past illnesses. Healthy people need to take Morinda as a prophylactic that keeps the body in good shape. Allergy sufferers with experience Morinda will help to more easily endure the symptoms of allergic reactions, to cope with them faster.

With diseases of the throat, Morinda helps to relieve inflammation, and is effective for sore throats. With gum disease, this plant will give a soothing and wound-healing effect.

Properties «Soka Noni»

Morinda fruits contain a large amount of antioxidants that can fight free radicals and slow down the aging process. Morinda fruit juice is also known as a remedy for parasites living in the human intestines. This juice is also used to treat digestive disorders, some diseases of the liver and gallbladder, spleen and reproductive system in women.

At the end of the last century, Americans, having learned about the healing properties of Morinda and, in particular, its fruits, launched the production of juice. It is believed that “Noni Juice” is perhaps the most environmentally friendly product in the world, because it is not grown on plantations – only in natural conditions. Biologically active substances – bitter glycosides, present in the composition of fruits, are resistant to external influences, therefore, when processing fruits, they retain all useful properties. Probably, none of the modern health products can boast of such an impeccable origin and rich composition.

Morinda in cosmetology

The beneficial effect of Morinda lemon leaf on the skin condition has long been noticed. The plant prevents the appearance of dryness, does not allow the skin to age prematurely. In this case, the plant is not used as a means for external use, but as an additive to food.

Contraindications to the use of morinda lemon leaf

  • First of all, pregnant women are not advised to use this plant in any form, since Morinda can cause bleeding and spontaneous miscarriage.

  • Also occurs, albeit extremely rarely, individual intolerance to this plant, accompanied by allergic reactions.

  • Some scientists believe that Morinda can reduce the effect of anti-cancer therapy, so it is better not to combine the use of this plant with serious drugs.

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