More sex – higher salary?

Sex helps to relax, increases the tone of the body, improves mood. And not only: the saturation of the sexual life affects the salary, scientists say.

We used to think of career and personal life as completely different areas – almost opposites. And in vain: they are not isolated from each other at all. If trouble happens at work, then we will be depressed at home. When stressed, we go home in a bad mood, feeling the brunt of its effects, from high blood pressure to headaches and insomnia.

But vice versa: when we are happy at home, we also feel much better at work. We are calm and reasonable, make rational decisions, easily avoid conflicts, offer interesting ideas. And sex – as the most important factor in our personal “home” life – significantly affects the eight hours a day that we spend at work.

Scientists have observed volunteers and found out how sex life transforms our careers.

Happy people get paid more

The lucky ones who have everything in order in the bedroom are appreciated by employers. A study by the Institute for Labor Economics (Germany) showed that those who have sex at least four times a week receive higher salaries than their always overwhelmed colleagues.

One possible explanation is that those who have more sex tend to be more balanced and more likely to be in a good mood – and therefore they are distinguished by enthusiasm for work, less stress and more charm. Which, in turn, naturally leads to an increase in wages.

Sex improves health

People who live full sex lives are less likely to have to take sick leave. Sex is an important factor in reducing stress, and therefore improving health. Dr. Sharon Norling argues in Your Doctor’s Wrong that frequent orgasms can even increase life expectancy—by eight years, which is a lot.

Sex not only prolongs life, but also rejuvenates. Norling talks about an experiment that was conducted at the Royal Hospital in Edinburgh: after conducting a survey, the researchers selected people aged 40 to 50 who had sex at least one and a half times more often than their peers. Then strangers were asked to estimate the age of the subjects by eye – and it was found that they look 7-13 years younger than they really are.

By spending more time with a partner, we increase our chances of promotion.

According to studies, the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has a rejuvenating effect.1produced during sex.

In addition, it also helps to reduce the symptoms of depression. And the hormone oxytocin, which is also produced during sex, has a strong analgesic effect.2. So strong that the female body can produce this hormone during labor pains to relieve pain. So no more “office migraines”!

Sex and business

Personal life influences career and vice versa. Improve sex life can … own business. Communications company PlanetSoho conducted a survey among its entrepreneurial clients – 14% of respondents noted that as soon as they started their business, it immediately affected the quality and quantity of sex.

Many people try to separate personal life from professional life, but what happens to us at home and at work is still connected – and sometimes in unexpected ways. By spending more time with a partner, we increase our chances of promotion, and career success, in turn, can lead to the fact that our sex life is transformed.

1 Arch Intern Med, 2003.

2 «Oxytocin: the love hormone’s new role in pain relief», Australian and New Zealand college of anaesthetists, May 2012.

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