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The risk of death for people who get both the flu and the coronavirus is more than twice as high as if they had the only COVID-19 infection. British and Dutch scientists have come to such conclusions. That’s why it’s so important to get vaccinated against both the coronavirus and the flu.

  1. The number of coronavirus infections in Poland is decreasing. In the last five days, the daily number of infections is less than 10.
  2. At the same time, we are at the peak of flu. More people fell ill in the first three weeks of March than in the same period in January and February
  3. The combination of influenza and coronavirus infections is very dangerous, contagious people have been talking for a long time
  4. A recent study found that in this case the risk of death is twice as high as if you are infected only with COVID-19
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Coronavirus and flu – a dangerous combination

We are getting used to the idea that the coronavirus pandemic is getting better. On Monday, the last restrictions in force in Poland were lifted (with some exceptions). However, that doesn’t mean we can stop being aware of any consequences of COVID-19 infection. Especially since from time to time there are studies talking about the long-term effects of the coronavirus or dangerous combinations with other diseases, not only chronic, but also seasonal.

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Recently, a study was published in the prestigious medical journal “Lancet”, which shows that the combination of coronavirus infection and influenza is very dangerous. Scientists have found that people who have contracted both SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and influenza viruses are compared to those patients only with the coronavirus more than four times more likely to require a respirator and 2,4 times more likely to die.

– We found that the combination of COVID-19 and influenza viruses is particularly dangerous – said Prof. Kenneth Baillie of the University of Edinburgh. – We expect COVID-19 to stay with us and circulate along with the flu, increasing the risk of co-infections. Therefore, we should change our strategy for testing COVID-19 patients in the hospital and test for the flu virus much more often, he added.

The rest of the text below the video.

More people with influenza in Poland than with COVID-19

The latest epidemic data from Poland clearly shows why we should take seriously the results of the research published in the Lancet. The coronavirus pandemic, although it is on a downward wave, is still going to last a very long time, while at the same time we are at the peak of the group season. In the first three weeks of March, 230 people fell ill with flu in Poland. people. This is more than in the same period in January and February. The disease currently causes more infections than the coronavirus.

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This was mentioned on Monday by Health Minister Adam Niedzielski. «Results last week: 50 COVID-290 and 19 flu. The second disease should still dominate in the coming days. Let us remember that in crowded places a mask can protect us from being infected with both viruses, ”wrote the head of the Ministry of Health.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andrusiewicz, in Polsat News also spoke about these figures. – COVID-19 is, has been and will be with us just like the flu. The pandemic is not over, he said, noting at the same time that the end of March is the right time to impose restrictions. – Just enter the weekly numbers. The flu is taking a bigger toll right now. Over 82 people fell ill with the flu. and on COVID-19 over 50 thousand. – he calculated.

The risk of death doubles

The study published in «Lanka» was conducted by scientists from the University of Edinburgh, the University of Liverpool, Imperial College London and the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. It analyzed the data of over 305 thousand. patients hospitalized due to COVID-19. It was found that almost 7 of them had various co-infections. In 583 cases, these were respiratory viruses – 227 patients were infected with influenza viruses, 220 with RSV and 136 with adenoviruses.

‘We were surprised to find that the risk of death more than doubled when patients were infected with both influenza viruses and COVID-19,’ said Professor Calum Semple of Liverpool University. That’s why it’s so important to be fully vaccinated and boosted against both viruses. We should not leave it until it is too late.

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The need for vaccinations is also emphasized by prof. Peter Openshaw of Imperial College London. – The vaccines to protect against coronavirus and the flu are different, and people need both. The way these two infections are treated is also different, so it’s important to test yourself for other viruses, even when someone is being treated for a specific respiratory infection, he said.

Infections are on the rise in Britain

The publication of the research and the appeals of scientists coincided with another spike in COVID-19 infection in the UK. One in 11 people in the country fell ill with the coronavirus during the week of March 18-16, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS). This is much more than in the previous period – then every 20th person fell ill. This increase is now in its third week due to the more contagious sub-variant BA.2 of Omicron. Increases are recorded in all age groups, however, the greatest increases occur in people aged 70 plus.

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Therefore, the medical services of Great Britain are calling for a second booster dose. The action began on March 21, 470 thousand received it in the first week. people. This week, an invitation to take the fourth dose will be sent to 600. people. In total, it will be available to 5,5 million Britons aged 75 and over.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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