“More life and less death”

Feelings are our inner vision, which helps to realize how our external experience corresponds to our inner nature. The largest existential psychologist James Bugental (James Bugental) – about the science of being alive.

“From all the richness of experience, I have drawn the conviction that the most important thing for a person is the simple fact that he lives … The whole point is to try to have more life and less death. The constantly fluctuating balance between life and death within us is the main barometer that determines the course of our lives… Our lost sense of being is more important than sight and hearing or smell and taste… This lost sense is an inner vision that allows us to realize how our external experience matches our inner nature.”

James Bugenthal, The Science of Being Alive (Klass, 2007).

James Bujenthal (1915–2008)) – the largest American existential psychotherapist, Ph.D. His book The Science of Being Alive. Dialogues between Therapist and Patients in Humanistic Psychotherapy” has become a worldwide bestseller.

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