More important than it seems: what will happen if you do not wash the windows in the fall

Higher risk of allergies

Over the summer, not only dust settles on the windows, but also pollen from plants, and carcinogens from exhaust gases, and soot, and God knows what else. It’s not for nothing that experts say that the air at home is often dirtier than on the street. If all this happiness is not washed off, then sooner or later some of the toxic substances will end up in the apartment, because you still ventilate it. This means that you and your household will breathe concentrated mud. This is fraught with a runny nose, and lung problems, and allergies.

Depression is more common

There will be less light in the house – that’s one hundred percent. You will be surprised how much the dirt accumulated on the windows “cuts off” the spectrum of the sun’s rays. Less light means less serotonin. The darker the house, the more likely it is to be depressed. In addition, more often you will have to turn on electricity, which to some extent will affect the wallet – bills for electricity will grow up.

The house will get colder

If you are lucky enough to live on the sunny side, the sun warms your apartment as well as radiators. In the afternoon, anyway. But if the windows are dirty, then the heat immediately becomes several times less. This means that you will have to wrap yourself in a warm sweater, turn on the heater, and boil the kettle over and over again. And this, too, will not be reflected in the best way on electricity bills.

Why spring and autumn?

There are two banal reasons for this. In winter, washing the windows is simply terribly cold. And in summer it is not very effective because of the sun. When it shines brightly, streaks form on the glasses after washing. Therefore, it is advised to wash windows in cloudy weather.

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