More health in a duet! Discover the beneficial combinations of superfoods
More health in a duet! Discover the beneficial combinations of superfoodsMore health in a duet! Discover the beneficial combinations of superfoods

You take care of yourself. Discovering healthy foods superfoods that you like to include in your diet. And if we compose super-healthy food in pairs, we would gain even more health benefits. Find out what is worth combining with each other.

The synergistic effect of the two products has been shown to multiply the beneficial effects. The American magazine “Time” wrote about the conclusions of scientists some time ago.

More health in a duo!

  • The results of tests on mice published in 2007 in the journal “Cancer Research” showed that a diet of 10% broccoli reduced prostate cancer cells by 4/10, and with tomatoes by 3/10. The synergistic effect of both products reduced harmful cells by 52%.
  • The classic duo is tomatoes with olive oil. Thanks to the addition of fat, the health substances in tomatoes can be perfectly absorbed. It is not a coincidence that we focus on this vegetable fat, because lycopene has the best conditions for assimilation in the company of olive oil. As a carotenoid, this substance prevents the development of certain cancers, atherosclerosis and heart diseases. The properties also activate when heated, so if you like tomato sauce, we recommend it with a clear conscience.
  • With olive oil, we should also combine Brussels sprouts, which are rich in vitamin K, which are perfectly absorbed with it and prevent many types of cancer, optimize blood clotting and calcium metabolism. By the way, we will support the heart and circulatory system.
  • Turmeric is known for its antioxidant properties, preventing cancer, as well as fighting bacteria and inflammation. Often, however, we do not fully use its properties, because it is rapidly metabolized. The famous nutritionist Melissa Rifkin from New York points out that in combination with pepper, its activity is even 1000 times stronger.
  • The catechin in chocolate prevents arterial blockage. An apple eaten together with a red peel full of quercetin and cocoa-rich dark chocolate inhibits the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.
  • Piperine in black pepper promotes weight reduction, as it prevents the formation of new fat cells, as well as reduces fat in the blood. In a duet with green tea, we will achieve a slim figure faster. Metabolism will increase, the risk of cancer cells will decrease.
  • Black beans with the support of red pepper, thanks to vitamin C, will multiply the absorption of protein valued by people on a vegetarian diet.
  • In patients who consumed 12 g of salmon oil and nearly 1 g of garlic, bad cholesterol fell by almost 10%.
  • In the autumn and winter months, it is best to absorb vitamin D produced during sunny days by our body in the form of salmon, which is worth enriching with calcium thanks to kale.
  • The list is closed by spinach full of vitamins from group B and C, E, K. The vegetable is also rich in iron, magnesium and potassium. Almonds have monounsaturated fats, contain phenolic acids, phenols and flavonoids, and will also allow you to assimilate nutrients from spinach. The combination of these ingredients will work well in a salad.

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