More energetic! Exercises to get energized

We have selected five effective exercises from Taoist practices that are easy to do every morning in your own apartment.

The main secret of Taoist practices for restoration and nourishment with energies: smile. Practice an “inner smile” in relation to individual organs, to the whole organism, to people around you and the world. If you don’t understand what an “inner smile” is yet, smile as usual, and gradually you will understand what it is about.

And exercise will help you recharge your energy for the whole day. Anyone can perform them, even without special physical training.

1. Charge with the energy of the earth

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees. Trample the ground (floor) with bare feet, shifting in the same place. Then get into a stable position to “root” and stand for a few minutes feeling the ground. Pull the coccyx into you. Then try to rise slightly on your toes and drop sharply with your heels to the ground: the push should go through the whole body to the very top of the head (this is an exercise to prevent strokes and heart attacks).

In female language: we send all negative emotions to the ground for further processing.

In male language: we free vessels from stagnation and prevent clogging of veins.

2. Create water energy

Make wave-like movements with the whole body back and forth and to the sides; gently rotate your hips and pelvis in different directions.

In female language: we activate the yin energy, we become soft, flexible, viscous, like a wave.

In male language: we work out oblique muscles, along with physical flexibility we develop mental flexibility.

3. Collect wind power

While standing, shake all parts of the body from head to toe. At the end, raise your hands up and shake them from top to bottom.

In female language: we synchronize our own vibrations with the vibrations of the universe, we feel ourselves a part of it, shake off all the negative and take away the positive energy.

In male language: we disperse the blood and activate the blood supply to the internal organs.

4. Connect with space

Rotate around your axis to find the inner core, realize yourself in space, calm your thoughts and open your heart.

In female language: bring emotions and feelings into balance.

In male language: we develop the vestibular apparatus and resistance to external factors.

5. Let the fire out

Make any sudden movement, throw your arms and body forward, while sticking out your tongue and hissing or shouting any sound: HA, SHA, BA, O, and so on. After that, think good things, smile, gather good energy around you with both hands like bowls, and stack them in the center of the abdomen on top of each other.

In female language: we live through unexploded emotions, bring out destructive anger, envy, hatred, resentment from the heart.

In male language: protruding tongue, muscle tension of the face and body, as well as a sharp contraction of the hands provides a rush of blood to tense areas and stimulates blood circulation, including in the brain.

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