According to the latest report, 8 out of 10 diabetic patients have cardiovascular complications. The forecasts assume that by 2030 an increase in mortality due to diabetes, including also cardiological complications, will increase by up to 100%.

Together with organizations of cardiac and diabetic patients, the Polish Union of Patients’ Organizations established the Heart Coalition for Diabetes. One of the first activities of the Coalition was to conduct a survey at the turn of May and June 2019 addressed to people suffering from diabetes and their carers, which was the starting point for the development of the report “Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular complications of type 2 diabetes – the perspective of a Polish patient” .

– Diabetes mellitus is a disease that affects more and more Poles. Often underestimated and ignored, it is called the silent killer because it does not hurt, but causes very serious, sometimes even catastrophic, and irreversible complications. Despite its serious nature, it is not treated with sufficient priority by patients and those at risk, as well as by decision-makers – says Anna Śliwińska, president of the Polish Diabetes Association.

The report shows the situation of diabetic patients as well as the needs and expectations regarding the standard of treatment of diabetes and its complications. The most important conclusions include:

  1. As much as 70 percent. of respondents claim that the health care system in Poland does not meet their current needs related to the treatment of diabetes
  2. 70% of the respondents have a problem with access to a diabetologist
  3. 80% of the respondents have a problem with access to doctors of other specialties in connection with the treatment of diabetes
  4. 90% of respondents believe that access to modern diabetes therapies is not sufficient
  5. 85 percent of respondents believe that educating the public about diabetes and its complications is insufficient
  6. 80 percent of the respondents stated that their financial situation had worsened due to their diabetes.

– According to the report, the greatest difficulties faced by diabetic patients in Poland are access to modern therapies, access to specialists, financial situation, treatment of diabetes complications and a sense of social exclusion. Therefore, care for patients with diabetes in Poland requires urgent improvement – says Marek Kustosz, president of the Institute of Aware Man.

On the other hand, Beata Ambroziewicz, president of the board of the Polish Union of Patients’ Organizations, emphasizes that the most important goal of caring for a patient with type 2 diabetes should be to prevent complications, including the most common cardiovascular complications, and consequently to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with diabetes. That is why it is so important to build awareness in the area of ​​cardiovascular complications in the course of diabetes.

Diabetes management specialists and experts agree that the most important changes needed in diabetes care are:

  1. facilitating access to modern therapies,
  2. coordinated care and cooperation of specialists from various fields in the treatment of a patient with diabetes,
  3. educating patients on complications,
  4. involving patients and their families in the treatment process.

More information about the campaign and the Heart for Diabetes report can be found on the website of the Polish Union of Patients’ Organizations.

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