More and more young people in hospitals because of COVID-19. “I felt safe”
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The third coronavirus wave in Poland is dominated by the British COVID-19 strain. This variant is more virulent – more infectious, causes more severe symptoms and, unfortunately, more deaths. More and more young people – 30- and 40-year-olds, as well as children go to the hospital. However, the dominance of variant B.1.1.7 is not the only explanation for this state of affairs. – There are a lot of younger patients at the moment. They are gym powerhouses and party goers from various illegally operating clubs. We would like to warn everyone against this type of action – says a doctor from a hospital in Warsaw.

  1. Over the last 34 hours, over 380 thousand jobs were recorded in Poland. new cases of coronavirus. In total, there are over XNUMX infected people in our country.
  2. We have a record high number of occupied beds (27 118) and respirators (2 620)
  3. More and more young people need hospitalization and intensive care. In part, this is due to Britain’s more aggressive variant of the coronavirus
  4. However, the irresponsibility of young people is also doing its job. – This is due to the greater mobility of young people and more frequent disregard of recommendations by people from younger generations – believes Dr. Michał Sutkowski
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Coronavirus in Poland. More and more young people hospitalized because of COVID-19

The number of new cases of coronavirus in Poland is constantly increasing. The latest data from the Ministry of Health indicate over 34 thousand. new cases of COVID-19 from the last XNUMX hours. It is not only the number of infected and deaths that are worrying, but also the changing age structure of patients, including those requiring intensive care. During the fall COVID-19 wave in Poland, seniors dominated in hospitals. Currently, oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation are needed by even 30- and 40-year-olds.

There are a lot of younger patients at the moment. They are gym powerhouses and party goers from various illegally operating clubs. We would like to warn everyone against this type of action – said Dr. Marek Posobkiewicz from the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in an interview with Polsat.

– The youngest patient undergoing treatment at the moment is 38 years old, although we also had younger patients. Yesterday he was admitted to the hospital. We would like to ask him what it looks like from the side of the hospital bed, but unfortunately he is not able to say anything because he is attached to a ventilator – added the doctor.

Polsat also featured a 49-year-old who spent three weeks in the intensive care unit. – I did not expect to get sick, because I have always been in good health. I thought only people with medical conditions were sick, so I felt safe. And when I started having problems with breathlessness, I realized that I would not be able to cope on my own. I was in a very serious condition, he said.

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– In our hospital, covid patients also have a definitely lowered age limit. These are 40-year-olds, 50-year-olds, and there are even 30-year-olds. Unfortunately, these are illnesses that require the use of oxygen therapy, so the third wave is clearly different from the second. Now patients have a much worse COVID-19 experience. Pneumonia and pulmonary embolism occur in a much larger number of patients – said Mirosław Leśkowicz, director of the Municipal Hospital in Siedlce in an interview with

– Comparing this period to November 2020, where 90 percent. of patients were people over 70-80 years old and even over 90 years old, now people from these years are in the vast minority – added Leśkowicz.

According to experts, this may be partly because the number of seniors who are already vaccinated for COVID-19 is increasing.

The coronavirus in Poland more and more often attacks young people. Doctor: no one is safe

Data from one of the hospitals – partly classified – was presented on Twitter by Jacek Górka, an internist, who has been working at the HED for years.

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«One of the heaviest wards. Patients being treated with high-flow nasal oxygen therapy or non-invasive ventilation. On the verge of needing a respirator treatment. Not seniors. Not charged before. It could be anyone. Nobody is safe. Many deaths” – he wrote.

«45-year-old with COVID-19 and stroke. He did not reach the hospital in time and exceeded the thrombolytic treatment window. 40-year-old with acute respiratory failure and COVID-19 – cardiac arrest pending transportation. He did not reach the HED, despite attempts at resuscitation »- he wrote earlier.

Coronavirus in Poland. Children with severe COVID-19

Dr. Lidia Stopyra, a specialist in infectious diseases and paediatrics, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Paediatrics at the Specialist Hospital, said in an interview with Medonet that the coronavirus is increasingly severely affecting young patients. S. Żeromski in Krakow.

Worryingly, younger people suffer from the disease and this percentage will increase. However, this is not only the effect of the British SARS-CoV-2 mutation, but also the fact that we are currently vaccinating elderly people, who are therefore already immune. Among the younger people there are only a few vaccinated (medics, teachers) – explained the expert.

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– There are more patients, especially young ones, with a severe course of COVID-19. While children have rarely suffered from COVID-19 more severely in previous months, today we are seeing more young patients suffering from the disease like adults. There are more severe COVID-19 courses, with pneumonia, with severe changes in the lungs, respiratory failure, Stopyra said.

The doctor emphasized that the best defense against British infection and any other variant of the coronavirus is prophylaxis.

– In order to protect ourselves against it, we must apply a greater sanitary regime. However, I will not say anything new here – the basis are properly worn masks, distance and disinfection. Only they will keep us safe.

More and more young people with COVID-19. Why is this happening?

The British variant of the coronavirus is currently dominant in Poland. It is already responsible for 80 percent. infections. From the beginning, scientists and doctors said that it was a strain more infectious than basic. However, there was no data on its potentially increased mortality. Recent weeks show that variant B.1.1.7. takes a much more serious toll than the classic one.

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The British variant is more virulent. It gets into us more easily, it overcomes defense mechanisms more easily and it is more lethal. Children, people aged 30+ and 40+ are ill. This was not the case in previous waves – said doctor Bartosz Fiałek on Polsat.

The more aggressive COVID-19 strain is one thing. The second is the behavior of young people.

– The fact that there are more and more young people in hospitals is due to, inter alia, vaccinating the elderly, but also greater mobility of young people and more frequent disregard of recommendations by people from younger generations – said the president of Warsaw Family Physicians, Dr. Michał Sutkowski.

Prof. Andrzej Matyja, president of the Supreme Medical Council, some time ago emphasized that young people too often underestimate the first symptoms and come to the doctor when respiratory failure is already very serious.

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– It’s too late. The occurrence of such symptoms not only makes it difficult for us, doctors, to properly treat, but also the effects that this disease causes and the course of complications are much worse. These patients later require at least 60 percent. various rehabilitation of postovid complications, especially those related to the respiratory system – explained the professor.

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