More and more pregnant women are infected. What happens when a pregnant woman becomes ill with COVID-19?
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A few days ago, 25 pregnant women infected with COVID-19 were present at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic at the University Teaching Hospital in Wrocław. Three women fought for their lives after giving birth. What happens when a pregnant woman becomes infected with the coronavirus? Dr Dominika Trojnarska, a gynecologist from the Superior Medical Center, explains for MedTvoiLokona.

  1. The severe course of COVID-19 infection increasingly affects young and healthy people. Pregnant patients also come to the ICU
  2. Treatment of COVID-19 recommended in the course of the disease cannot be applied to pregnant women
  3. When a pregnant woman enters an intensive care unit, it may be necessary to induce labor
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

COVID-19 in pregnancy. Prof. Zimmer: “The apogee of covid pregnant women”

On March 27, prof. Mariusz Zimmer from the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic at the University Teaching Hospital in Wrocław informed in an interview with PAP about the “apogee of covid cases of pregnant women”.

– Young pregnant women also suffer from COVID-19. The course is the same as for non-pregnant women. Fortunately, newborns are born healthy – said prof. Zimmer.

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Prof. Zimmer also pointed out that previously, the scale of the severe course of COVID-19 among pregnant women was much smaller. So much so that it was even considered whether it made sense to create covid wards in gynecological clinics.

– All data confirming that the third wave is attacking young people is correct. So far, we have been saying for a year that this COVID-19 actually bypasses pregnant women, because there have been individual cases. We wondered if it made sense to create separate covid units. Absolutely today’s situation proves that the virus also affects young women – added prof. Zimmer.

However, the doctor emphasized that the clinic does not infect newborns whose mothers are carriers of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

– Fortunately, newborns are born healthy – said prof. Zimmer. – Fortunately, we maintain the placental barrier. If the placenta is functioning properly and is not damaged, the virus does not generally pass on to the newborn. So we give birth to healthy children. And we try, all our activities are aimed at preventing the newborn from getting infected after delivery. We have established procedures and it works.

COVID-19 in pregnancy. In severe course, treatment begins with caesarean section

Dr. Dominika Trojnarska, a gynecologist from the Superior Medical Center, explains the situation of pregnant women who contract the coronavirus.

– As the majority of pregnant women are young, healthy and with a low risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, it can be said that they usually pass COVID-19 lightly. The problem, however, is that with symptomatic disease, the course may be worse compared to women who are not pregnant. This may also apply to young women – explains Dr. Trojnarska. – Pregnant women experience less fever and musculoskeletal pain, but they are more likely to go to intensive care.

In the case of pregnant women, it is not possible to use all forms of treatment recommended in the severe course of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

– If a woman has severe symptoms of infection, especially in the respiratory system, she needs intensive care. And colleagues in anaesthesiology can adequately treat only those women who are no longer pregnant. This means that, unfortunately, such a very severe course of infection, in which the patient is in a generally serious condition, even requires premature termination by caesarean section. Only then can she be taken to the ICU and receive help.

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Dr. Trojnarska confirms the information of prof. Zimmer on the condition of newborns after delivery, when the mother was infected with COVID-19.

Neonatal infections are extremely rare. There is insufficient data on this yet, and it is difficult to say if these babies are actually worse at birth. They rarely have symptoms, if they become infected at all – adds Dr. Trojnarska.

Newborn care procedures change depending on the course of the infection.

– Asymptomatic women can not only give birth by force of nature, but also breastfeed. The recommendations vary depending on the country, but for example in Germany, if a patient is hygienic, she can have a newborn baby with her. It is similar in Poland. The situation becomes more complicated in the case of severe course. Then the children are transferred to the neonatology department for the purpose of observation and exclusion of infection.

Pregnant women with a positive test for coronavirus go to the covid ward, where they are dealt with by a separate group of doctors to avoid the risk of infection of healthy patients. There are no family births in such wards.

COVID-19 in pregnancy. PTGiP guidelines

The Polish Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians has specific recommendations regarding the path of management for pregnant women in the COVID-19 era. Before admitting the patient to the ward, it is necessary to complete an epidemiological questionnaire.

– In each hospital with a maternity ward there should be a separate so-called epidemiological emergency room. We propose that it should be modeled on the existing so-called rapid prenatal diagnosis departments. Such rooms have the option of performing ultrasound, CTG, examining the patient, in accordance with the epidemiological regime, and deciding whether the patient is healthy enough to go home. Contact with the attending physician should be limited to contact by e-mail, phone, SMS, etc. – we read in the recommendation of PTGiP.

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PTGiP recommends teleporting, at the same time appealing to doctors for greater remote accessibility to patients. The Society also advises, however, to limit planned visits to pregnant women, as long as there is nothing disturbing.

– We limit the number of visits to a minimum. This should be determined by telephone with the maternity unit. Do not be afraid that if the pregnancy is going well and three weeks have passed since the last visit, that there will be no examination in a week. After virtual contact with a midwife or doctor, you can and need to postpone your appointment – nothing should happen.

When a pregnant woman with infectious symptoms is admitted to hospital, she should be placed in an “epidemiological” room, where it will be necessary to exclude COVID-19 infection.

– If there is a high suspicion of a viral infection, even in the absence of a test result, a pregnant woman who is potentially infectious, by sanitary transport, is sent to the maternity hospital, the so-called dedicated – established by the Ministry of Health. If we find that this pregnant woman, requiring hospitalization for obstetric reasons, does not have COVID19 infection – she can be transferred to the hospital ward “white” – we suggest to the separation room, intensified epidemiological supervision until symptoms disappear – writes PTGiP.

Also read:

  1. How many people in Poland died after the COVID-19 vaccine? Government data
  2. More and more young patients in hospitals due to COVID-19
  3. Doctors tell you how to know if COVID-19 has left traces in your body
  4. Types of COVID-19 Vaccines. How is vector different from mRNA vaccine? [WE EXPLAIN]

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