More and more children with hepatitis. Parents, be alert to these symptoms

Nobody knows where it comes from or why it spreads so fast. Hepatitis is being diagnosed in more and more children in countries all over the world. In some cases, the matter is so serious that little patients need a transplant. Experts are concerned and urge parents and pediatricians to be vigilant. They give specific symptoms that should alert you that your baby’s liver is becoming inflamed.

  1. As early as two weeks ago, the UK Health Safety Agency reported an unexplained increase in childhood hepatitis 
  2. Virus of unknown etiology started attacking children under 10 years of age. The young patients came from different parts of the British Isles, so there could not be any specific source of infection
  3. Today, other countries are also reporting cases of liver problems. This problem has been noticed, among others in Ireland, Denmark, Spain and the United States
  4. It is still unknown what is behind the development of the disease in such young children. Some people have tests for adenovirus, but it is not responsible for all illnesses
  5. Experts give a list of symptoms that may be evidence of hepatitis. Among them are, among others fever, fatigue, loss of appetite and vomiting
  6. You can find more about the coronavirus on the TvoiLokony home page

Disease of unknown etiology

Exactly two weeks ago, we reported on worrying cases of hepatitis in children in the UK. The local agency responsible for the health safety of citizens has alerted that it investigates several dozen cases of the disease in young patients from 1 to 10 years of age. The latest data show about 108 sick children. Although it does not sound like much, the cause for concern is great: so far, inflammation in the liver of such young children has been detected very rarely, with only a few (about seven) cases throughout the year.

The development of the disease also caused great concern. Some of the children progressed so rapidly that a liver transplant was required.

  1. Also check: “I witnessed my own dying”. Liver Transplant and the Story of the Three Wonders

Despite redoubled efforts to establish the etiology of the disease, it has not been possible to find out why the liver is inflamed. The difficulty was exacerbated by the fact that diagnoses were made in different parts of the country, so there was no question of an infection center. J.the only clue was the presence in the body of a large proportion of children (77%) adenovirus – a virus, popular, also in young patients, responsible for most colds. However, the pathogen was not found in many samples, so the trail was considered uncertain.

  1. See also: Symptoms of a sick liver – how to recognize? [WE EXPLAIN]
What is adenovirus?

Adenovirus is a pathogen that is responsible for many viral infections in both adults and children (although it is more often diagnosed in younger patients). It is spread by droplets, but can also enter the body through contact with the stools of an infected person, such as a child.

It usually attacks the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and eyes, causing e.g. rhinitis, pharyngitis, bowel disease, cystitis, and even meningitis.

Most of the diseases caused by adenoviruses are mild, but there are cases of inflammation of the liver, kidneys and multi-organ infections in people with weakened immunity.

An effective cure for adenoviruses has not been developed and treatment of the infection is only symptomatic.

Not only Great Britain

While these reports were already alarming, the case gained even more publicity when similar cases began to be diagnosed in other countries, incl. Ireland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and the USA.

In the latter, hepatitis of unknown origin was detected in nine children aged 1-6 years who were previously completely healthy. The first five cases were diagnosed in Alabama in October 2021. The children were seriously ill, some suffered from acute liver failure. Tests revealed the presence of adenovirus in all young patients.

Four more cases with liver damage and adenoviral infection were later identified. Laboratory tests showed that some of these children were infected with type 41 adenovirus, which causes an acute infection of the digestive system. Importantly, the most common types of hepatitis were excluded: hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

  1. See also: Contact with HCV could have been 90 percent. Poles. The first symptoms even after 30 years

Scientists now suspect that infection with a combination of pathogens, adenovirus and another virus, is behind the increase in cases of hepatitis in children. The scenario that the disease is the result of exposure to a toxin or infection by a new pathogen is also considered. Some researchers are also considering the impact of COVID-19, but, for example, in the United States, none of the sick children were infected with the coronavirus. The theory that inflammation was caused by vaccination against COVID-19 has also been disproved.

The rest of the text below the video.

Symptoms of hepatitis in a child

Hepatitis is a very serious disease that requires immediate medical attention. Therefore, experts ask pediatricians to be attentive to specific symptoms of the disease and to report all cases of liver dysfunction in children of unknown etiology. Health officials also urge parents to be vigilant and react quickly when they notice any of the following symptoms in their children:

  1. fever,
  2. severe fatigue,
  3. loss of appetite
  4. nausea,
  5. vomiting,
  6. abdominal pain,
  7. arthralgia,
  8. dark color of urine,
  9. light (pale, grayish) stool color
  10. itchy skin
  11. jaundice.

«Reported symptoms include jaundice (eight out of nine cases), abdominal pain (seven out of nine cases), and nausea and malaise (six out of nine cases). Almost all of the children had gastrointestinal symptoms including diarrhea or vomiting in the weeks prior to admission to hospital. They were also listless, without energy »- said doctors from Scotland in their report.

  1. Also read: Hepatitis – What Are The Warning Signs?

The comforting information provided by experts is the fact that the liver in children regenerates very efficiently and none of the young patients diagnosed with inflammation of this organ died. However, taking into account the serious course of the disease and the extensive changes that occur in it (sometimes even requiring a liver transplant), the symptoms of hepatitis cannot be underestimated. Parents and pediatricians must remain vigilant, and national health safety officials and the WHO will monitor the situation regarding new cases of hepatitis in children.

  1. Also check: Symptoms of a sick liver – how to recognize? [WE EXPLAIN]
Take care of your liver

Curcumin, black pepper, milk thistle … These are just some of the spices that support the work of the liver. Dietary supplements containing them can be found at an attractive price in Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to yoga. How to start your yoga adventure? How to benefit from it not only because of pain in the spine, joints or muscles? Check what non-obvious benefits this practice brings and what are the contraindications for practicing it. Listen.

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