
Useful properties and use of mordovnik grass

Botanical characteristics of common muzzle


Mordovia ordinary – This is a herbaceous perennial plant that has a thick taproot and a tall erect stem. The leaves of this herb are alternate and oblong, their length can reach 25 cm. The edge of the leaves is serrated. The stem, leaves and graceful wraps of baskets have glandular pubescence. The diameter of the inflorescence does not exceed 5 cm. This plant blooms in early summer, in June, and fruit ripening occurs in early September.

Useful properties of mordovnik

Mordovnik is an effective neuromuscular stimulant, it perfectly helps with paralysis, radiculitis, hypertension and multiple sclerosis. In addition, such a plant contributes to the rapid elimination of the negative effects of radiation injury. Mordovnik seeds contain a unique substance echinopsin, with which you can restore the functions of the nervous system, quickly relieve headaches, and also significantly improve well-being. Along with this, mordovnik increases mental performance and improves mood. The fatty oil contained in this plant can be used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.

The use of mordovnik

With a medicinal purpose in folk medicine, wonderful decoctions from seeds and tinctures from the fruits of mordovnik are often used. Achenes are harvested during the ripening period and dried in the open air, and then ground and cleaned. Due to the content of fatty oil, the fruits of mordovnik are used as an external remedy. For various skin diseases, including psoriasis, mordovnik tincture in combination with string and celandine has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Mordovnik seeds

Obovate achenes contain alkaloids. The presence of echinopsin in the seeds is at least 1%. Echinopsin, formed from a primary alkaloid, is characterized by the presence of hydroxyl and amine groups. In addition, a large amount of fatty oil was found in the seeds, the percentage of which varies from 26 to 28%.

Mordovnik tincture

Alcohol tincture from mordovnik is used for exhaustion, muscle atrophy, neuritis, and also for sexual weakness. To prepare this remedy, you need 1 teaspoon of crushed seeds and 100 grams of alcohol. This mixture must be infused in a glass container for at least 14 days, while it should be shaken regularly. Ready tincture is used 10-15 drops before meals.

Mordovnik with multiple sclerosis

Specialists in the field of medicine have noted a noticeable effect in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with mordovnik. Echinopsin, which is found in this unique plant, inhibits the development of this disease and prevents the patient’s condition from worsening. But it should also be emphasized that such drugs are not suitable for hypertensive patients and asthmatics due to the possible occurrence of seizures.


This perennial plant, which grows up to 3 m in height, has a very high nectar productivity, which only increases over the years. The flowers have an attractive scent to bees. Despite the frequent vagaries of the weather, nectar is constantly released. The honey productivity of mordovnik is about 300 kg per hectare.

Growing up a pirate

To grow a mordovnik, it is necessary to dry the seeds of the plant well and store until spring. Planting is carried out in April at positive temperatures at a depth ranging from 1,5 to 3 cm. Flowering of this plant occurs in the second year of life. As a rule, with favorable factors, the muzzle can bloom for about 45 days.

Mordovnik flowers

For harvesting, tubular inflorescences-heads are cut off in late autumn in wild thickets by hand, after which they are dried in the fresh air in calm places.

The common mongrel

The unique mordovnik ordinary can be used for atrophy of the optic nerve and for muscle atrophy due to the content of echinopsin. In addition, in folk medicine, this type of plant has long been used as an effective remedy for headaches, weakness and dizziness. After treatment, patients stop complaining about increased fatigue and low work capacity.

Mordovnik ball-headed


The ball-headed muzzle is a fairly tall herbaceous plant that has prickly leaves and a spindle-shaped rhizome. The stem of this grass does not exceed one meter in height. The upper leaves of the ball-headed mordovnik are rough, and the lower ones are narrowed into a long petiole. Large flower baskets of the correct form are located at the very top of the stem. The achene fruits are covered with bristles and enclosed in elegant wrappers. This type of mordovnik blooms in June and July. For medicinal purposes, the most mature fruits of the mordovnik, which are collected in September, are used. In small doses, this plant has a general tonic effect, and this type of mordovnik is able to increase blood pressure during hypotension.

Mordovnik “sea urchin”

Mordovnik “sea urchin” is a perennial erect plant with a height of 70 to 100 cm. Simple stems have a simple branching and are covered with cobweb pubescence of a white hue. Capitate inflorescences of bluish flowers in diameter reach 5 cm. This variety of mordovnik prefers warm and sunny places. This plant is easy to care for and grows well in a variety of slightly moist soils.

Contraindications to the use of mordovnik

Despite its undoubted merits, mordovnik has a proven toxic effect. The use of this plant for medicinal purposes should be agreed with your doctor. During pregnancy, muzzle is categorically contraindicated.

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