“What is good and what is bad” or how to teach a child to distinguish “black” from “white”
The question of what is “good” and what is “bad”, what behavior is right and what is unacceptable, philosophical, each parent decides for himself how he wants to see his child and how he will raise him. In this article, we will only try to point out the ways in which you can show your child what is “bad” and what is “good” in your understanding.
Until 1 year
At this age, you will not be able to explain to the child what is “white” and what is “black”. Only by your actions can you show the right behavior patterns. Moreover, by showing love and affection towards the child, you can be sure that the child will grow up as a full-fledged, self-sufficient person.
1-2 years
Your main tactic is not to scold the child for acting inappropriately, but to prevent situations in which the child’s reaction may not show up in the best way. For example, if you don’t want your child to take things out of the closet, make sure the closet is securely closed. If you do not want your child to eat sweets before meals, do not go to the store with him before dinner or lunch (go after), as he will definitely ask you to buy something tasty. At this age, the child cannot concentrate for a long time, it is difficult for him to explain something, so complex disciplinary measures can lead to an undesirable effect.
2-4 years
Children at this age do not perceive abstract concepts such as «generosity», «truth», etc. So give your child real examples. Be firm in cutting through undesirable behavior, but do it in a calm, benevolent manner.
4-5 years
This is the most fertile time when you can strengthen the concept of «good» and «bad» in the child. Children at this age respond well to simple explanations. They can already explain such concepts as “generosity” and “honesty”. Keep showing your child examples, even better if you yourself are those examples. Children at this age strive to be like people close to them, they strive to evoke joy and a positive reaction from their parents, so the more often you praise children at this age, the better. Do not disregard and encourage the good behavior of children, this is the main educational method at this age.
6-8 years
Children develop social awareness. They begin to understand that others also have rights and that there are rules in society that must be followed.
8-11 years
At this age, the development of the child is strongly influenced by external factors: school, friends, etc. The child begins to form opinions that are different from yours, can resist and challenge your beliefs. This is a normal process of becoming his personality, you just have to remain adamant in fundamental judgments and be more flexible in matters of lesser importance. Discuss with your child their responsibilities to family, friends, school, community, etc. At this age, sex education plays an important role.
12-17 years
The most difficult age is when teenagers begin to oppose everything and everything. If a child from an early age saw examples of correct behavior and brought up certain moral qualities in him, the likelihood that he would retain them for life is very high. At this age, your main task is to maintain an open relationship with a teenager, discuss his problems, successes, etc. The main thing is that the child does not move away from you. Also, do not get angry and angry when the child begins to challenge the generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, do not think that what you brought up in him is lost and forgotten. No, this is just a period when the child questions how valid and strong your beliefs that you have been instilling in him all this time.
18 years and more
At this age, children, who have already turned into young people and girls, have formed a system of their own views on life, nevertheless, life continues to set them tasks in which they may need your moral help and support, which is why it is so important to maintain an open relationship with kids.