Moral and volitional qualities of children: formation, education, development, advice
Moral and volitional qualities help a person to achieve their goals in life. They are not always congenital. They are given to children from an early age.
In humans, volitional qualities are expressed to varying degrees. It depends on the character of each. Someone is able to cope with themselves in a difficult situation, while others are not.
Moral volitional qualities help to achieve a lot in life.
The child does not think about how to react to the situation. He does everything involuntarily. Here you can see his weaknesses. For example, you are glad that there is tenacity in him, and this is the opposite negative side of him – stubbornness.
Parents can help build volitional qualities.
What can you instill in your baby:
- commitment;
- persistence in achieving the goal;
- Confidence in your strength;
- responsibility for their actions.
With these qualities, a person can achieve a lot in life. An impulsive person who does not know how to control himself often does the wrong thing.
It is important to properly cultivate moral qualities in a small person. Otherwise, even the makings can be suppressed. Start at 2 years old. You need to trust the baby to do something himself, without the help of adults. For example:
- Collect the pyramid.
- Put on your socks.
- Reach for the right thing.
- Climb into a chair.
It is important that the child is able to do this activity. He will not call an adult if he is interested. Take care of this.
Development of positive qualities
Will, or as they say “willpower” can be developed. The game will help with this. There are many games designed to teach social norms.
Gradually develop and accustom your baby to:
- Refrain from pain, resentment.
- Master desires.
- Conquer fear.
- Cope with uncertainty.
So the will of the little person will constantly be strengthened and trained.
All parents dream that their baby would cope with difficulties as easily as possible, be independent and strong-willed.
Therefore, here are some guidelines:
- Don’t do everything for the kid. Let him prove himself. Let him look for ways out of difficult situations himself.
- Train yourself to be independent, let him take the initiative.
- Trust your household chores more. Set tasks that are feasible for him.
- There is no need to overly patronize and fulfill desires on demand. Let the baby learn patience.
- Let him overcome obstacles. Achieving a difficult goal will give him great pleasure.
If you decide to raise strong people, try to avoid indulgence. Once you start doing something for them, they will happily shift their responsibilities onto you.
Be smart parents! Show firmness in everything and your kids will be able to cope with any difficulties that they encounter on the path of life!