Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

Moonshine tincture on tangerine peels can be prepared at home in just 3-4 weeks. To do this, the prepared zest is poured into a container and insisted in a dark place. To improve the taste, you can add other ingredients – fruit juice, sugar, cinnamon, coffee beans.

The nuances of making tangerine tincture on moonshine

An infusion of moonshine on tangerine peels is quite simple to prepare at home. But sometimes the drink can ferment, and the taste will not be as interesting as expected. Therefore, it is recommended to follow several rules:

  1. The standard preparation time is 3 weeks. It is during this time that the crusts will be able to enrich the liquid with their aroma. You should not rush – otherwise the taste will not be so interesting.
  2. The zest can be bitter, so a little sugar (3 tsp) is added to the drink. But if you want to get a sweet tincture, you can add syrup from 1,5-2 cups of sugar.
  3. The stronger the alcohol base, the more bitter the taste. So more sugar is needed.
  4. When cooking, the raw materials are carefully prepared: the zest must be selected, without the slightest damage.
  5. You need to fill the crusts completely.

Recipes for tangerine tinctures on moonshine

There are several recipes for making this drink. Fundamentally, the technologies are no different: you need to get tangerine zest and insist it on an alcohol basis for three weeks. Optionally, it can be supplemented with other aromatic additives, for example, coffee beans, cinnamon, vanillin.

Recipe for moonshine on tangerine peels

To prepare tangerine moonshine at home, you should take the following ingredients:

  • selected medium-sized tangerines – 8-10 fruits;
  • moonshine – 1 l;
  • sugar – 3 tsp (improves taste, although it is not necessary to add).
Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

Tincture can be made on both tangerines and oranges.

The cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. First you need to carefully select the fruits. On the crusts there should not be any strong scratches, dry patches, especially rot.
  2. Rinse in warm water several times. This is necessary in order to get rid of wax, plaque and other contaminants (tangerine peels are often treated with chemicals to increase shelf life).
  3. Then take a fine grater or “housekeeper” (for peeling vegetables and fruits) and carefully remove the top layer. This is a peel without a white “subcutaneous” layer, after which comes the actual pulp.
  4. Squeeze fresh juice from the fruit, separating it from the seeds and white fibers. No more than 1 ml of juice is taken per 100 liter of moonshine tincture on crusts – this is enough to soften and enrich the taste. The juice is poured into a container with a tight lid and put in the refrigerator for 3 weeks to clarify it.
  5. The crusts are poured into a container with alcohol. It is closed and kept in a dark place for 3 weeks. Periodically, the jar needs to be shaken, turning it down.
  6. The resulting infusion is filtered. Do the same with tangerine juice.
  7. Mix all the ingredients (add juice and sugar), let the infusion stand for another two days in a dark place at room temperature.
  8. If necessary, strain before use.
Attention! For lovers of a sharp taste, the addition of tangerine juice is optional.

The aroma of citrus fruits is contained precisely in the zest, so the infusion can be prepared using only peels.

Tangerine tincture on moonshine with coffee beans

You can insist moonshine on mandarin with coffee beans. This aromatic addition goes well with citrus fruits. Thanks to coffee beans, the drink acquires a spicy taste. The ratio of ingredients is:

  • moonshine – 1 l;
  • tangerines – 8-10 medium-sized fruits.
  • coffee beans – 30-40 pieces;
  • sugar – 3 tsp
Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

The drink is prepared within three weeks

Instructions for cooking:

  1. Rinse the tangerines and prepare the zest.
  2. Take coffee beans and pour them with moonshine.
  3. Add zest, seal the container. Put it in a dark place.
  4. At the same time, get 100 ml of tangerine juice, cork the container and refrigerate for 20 days.
  5. Keep the infusion for three weeks, shake occasionally.
  6. Then strain and combine all the components, add 3 tsp. Sahara.
  7. To stir thoroughly. Let stand for another 3-4 days in a dark place.
  8. If necessary, strain again through several layers of gauze.
Advice! If you need to get the infusion quickly (in 1-2 days), instead of grains use regular ground coffee (100 g per 1 liter of drink).

In this case, the zest is not used, since it will not have time to give up its aroma so quickly.

Tincture of moonshine on mandarin with vanilla

The infusion can be prepared on mandarin peels and vanilla. Thanks to the combination of two aromas, the taste and smell of the drink become even richer and more interesting. For cooking, take the following ingredients:

  • moonshine – 1 l;
  • tangerines – 8-10 medium fruits;
  • vanillin – 1 tbsp. l. without a slide (15 g);
  • sugar – 1,5–2 cups (300–400 g);
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • grated nutmeg – 1 tbsp. l. without a slide (15 g).

The tincture is prepared as follows:

  1. Washed tangerines, get zest from them.
  2. Prepare tangerine juice (100 ml) and refrigerate for 3 weeks (in a sealed container).
  3. Then add peels, nutmeg, vanillin to alcohol, close the container, put in a dark place. They insist two weeks.
  4. Periodically shake the container.
  5. Strain, add sugar.
  6. Bring to a boil, immediately turn off and cool to room temperature.
  7. Add tangerine juice, filter and put for another 4 days in a dark place.

Sweet tangerine tincture with lemon zest

If you insist mandarin peels on moonshine along with lemon zest, the aroma of the drink will become more pronounced. However, bitterness may appear in the taste. Therefore, an unpeeled lemon must first be doused with boiling water. This is optional, for example, you can simply add sugar to the finished drink. It will soften not only the bitterness of the lemon, but also a sharp alcoholic aftertaste.

Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

Lemon juice gives the tincture a pleasant sourness and fresh aroma.

For the preparation of the drink, the following components are used:

  • moonshine – 1 l;
  • tangerines – 5 medium-sized fruits;
  • lemons – 5 medium-sized fruits;
  • sugar – 500

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Rinse the citruses thoroughly, get the zest from all the fruits, avoiding the white layer.
  2. Put the peel in a container with a drink and close.
  3. Squeeze tangerine juice (100 ml) and put it in the refrigerator. You can add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  4. Insist for 20 days in a dark place.
  5. Strain and add sugar and tangerine juice.
  6. Stir, bring to a boil, cool.
  7. Leave to infuse for another 3-4 days, when a precipitate appears, the drink is filtered again.

Lemon tangerine tincture

For cooking, take the following products:

  • moonshine – 1 l;
  • lemons – 3 medium fruits;
  • tangerines – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2 tsp

The step by step instructions are:

  1. Rinse the fruit, remove the peels from them and add to the alcohol base.

    Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

  2. Squeeze the juice from three lemons, strain and add sugar, mix. Leave in the refrigerator for 20 days.

    Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

  3. Leave the container with the drink in a dark place (at room temperature) for the same period.
  4. Mix all ingredients, strain. Let stand for a few more days.
    Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

    An alcoholic drink made from lemons and tangerines is completely ready in 4 weeks

What to do if the tincture did not work out

The main problem that arises when preparing tinctures is that raw materials can ferment. To avoid this, alcohol is poured to the top so that as little air as possible remains in the container. If fermentation does start, discard the spoiled zest and add a little alcohol base.

If the taste is not good enough, it must be corrected using sugar, lemon juice (acid) or even salt. The excess of sweet is well compensated by the addition of acid (as well as vice versa). If there is not enough “sharp” tone, you can add a pinch of fine salt. You should not worry: the salty taste will not be noticeable, but the overall quality will improve.

Features of the use of tangerine tincture on moonshine

Moonshine on mandarin peels is a sweet tincture with delicate sourness and rich aroma. Usually such drinks are served for dessert, i. after the main course. Whipped cream goes well with them (1: 1 ratio).

If the drink came out spicy (with cinnamon, cloves), it is appropriate to add a little cold mineral water, tonic or soda. They are also served with citrus juices – from grapefruit or orange. Apple juice also goes well together.

Tinctures can be drunk in their pure form and used to make interesting cocktails in combination with different products:

  • fresh zest (for more flavor);
  • syrup based on sugar and berries;
  • honey;
  • cloves, cinnamon, star anise.
Moonshine on tangerine peels and tangerines

Ready mandarin tincture is served with dessert, decorated with cinnamon, coconut, whipped cream

Cocktails are prepared in a mixer or in a special shaker. If served with whipped cream, they can be decorated with chocolate chips, crushed cookies or coconut flakes.


Moonshine tincture on tangerine peels is an interesting version of a sweet alcoholic drink with a spicy taste and refreshing aroma. Its preparation is planned for a month in order to be in time for a holiday or other significant date. Served with desserts.

Tangerine tincture.

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