Fruit tinctures can be very beneficial if used in moderation. In our article you will find the best prune moonshine recipes that we have selected for you based on positive reviews.
Useful properties of an alcoholic drink
Prunes infused with alcohol give off all their healing properties much faster than in dry form. Thanks to alcohol, useful substances are absorbed by the body at the cellular level. In addition to the original taste, aroma and color, dried fruits from plums give moonshine:
- proteins;
- carbohydrates;
- pectins;
- antioxidants;
- vitamins of groups B, C, A, E;
- trace elements (Mg, Fe, Na, P);
- glucose, fructose, sucrose;
- organic acids.

Moonshine on prunes has strong antimicrobial properties. Even diabetics are allowed to drink the drink, as it does not affect the sugar level. Taking a tincture of 50 ml per day, you can increase immunity, prevent beriberi, and also:
- strengthen the heart muscle;
- increase the tone and elasticity of blood vessels;
- stabilize the digestive system;
- slow down the growth of neoplasms;
- recover from anemia;
- improve the condition of the joints;
- reduce puffiness;
- get rid of constipation;
- cleanse the body of toxins;
- remove toxins;
- strengthen gums and teeth.
Video “Prune tincture recipe”
In this video, the expert will tell you how to make your own tincture on prunes.
Possible harm and contraindications
To reduce the risk of negative consequences, dried fruits should be insisted on high-quality alcohol and not exceed the daily dose. You should refrain from drinking moonshine:
- people with hepatic or renal pathologies;
- persons under 18 years of age;
- women during lactation;
- pregnant women.
Ingredient Selection Tips
For a delicious tincture, prunes from Hungarian are used. It can be dry, dried or smoked. Fruits are chosen small, elongated, with an easily detachable stone. Their color should be uniform, moderate dark shade, without signs of damage. Black dried fruits were most likely processed for better preservation by chemical means. And pale ones are a sign that the plums were doused with boiling water, taking away some of their useful properties.
If moonshine is used as a base, then it should be transparent, odorless. Additional ingredients with bright notes will help eliminate the harsh aroma. To obtain dessert alcohol, distillers add sugar, and to regulate the strength, they change the proportions.
Dried moonshine recipes
Recipes for the preparation of alcoholic tinctures on prunes are very simple. Dried fruits can be infused with vodka, alcohol or homemade moonshine. The main rule is fresh, high-quality ingredients.
Two dozen dry plums fall asleep 300 g of granulated sugar and pour the contents of 2 liters of diluted moonshine (the fortress should be no more than 45%). Stir the raw materials until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. A tightly closed jar is kept for 2 weeks at room temperature in a dark place.
To insist prunes on vodka according to the classic recipe, it is better to take alcohol of medium strength. A high degree will make the drink too sharp, and a weak one will lead to fermentation and souring.
Author’s advice
On vodka
50 g of pitted dried fruit cut into small pieces. Add 1 tsp. thyme, linden, mint. Pour 0,5 liters of vodka, close with a sealed lid and leave to infuse for 1,5 months at an average temperature of +23 ° C. On the 45th day, crushed 10 g of propolis is introduced into the tincture, and then kept for another month. After the time has elapsed, the finished drink is filtered through gauze or a fine sieve.
On alcohol
300 g of prunes, separated from the pits, are combined with 0,5 kg of granulated sugar. Add 15 g of vanillin, and then mix thoroughly. Pour a liter of alcohol diluted to a strength of 45%. Close the jar tightly with a lid and incubate for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Before bottling the finished product, filter it through cheesecloth.
with spices
One allspice, clove bud, 3 pcs. ordinary peppercorns are crushed into powder, adding a pinch of vanillin. Combine spices with 5 dry pitted plums. Pour 0,5 liters of moonshine, and then shake. After 10 days, the tincture is passed through gauze or a filter and bottled.
With dried fruits
300 g of prunes, the same amount of dried apricots, 250 g of dried figs are passed through a meat grinder. Put in a bottle, adding 15 g of ground nutmeg. The workpiece is poured into 1,5 liters of 45-degree purified moonshine and closed with an airtight lid. Insist at room temperature for 2-3 months. The finished product is decanted through gauze or a fine sieve.

With honey
400 g of dry plums are separated from the pits. Combine with 200 ml of melted honey, 2 tbsp. l. linden flowers, 1,5 g of vanillin. Mix and pour 1,5 liters of moonshine. Under a tight lid, they are kept for 10 days at a temperature of +23 ° C, without exposing to light. After the time has elapsed, the finished tincture is filtered.
With sugar
500 g of prunes with stones fall asleep 0,5 kg of granulated sugar. Bay 2 liters of medium-strength moonshine (45-50%), insist under a sealed cork for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place. When the alcoholic drink is ready, it is bottled and allowed to brew for another 2-3 days.
With coffee
80 g of coffee beans are poured into 1 liter of moonshine, allowed to brew for 1 hour, and then removed from alcohol. 500 g of dried fruits are poured into 300 g of granulated sugar and insisted for 14 days on 2 liters of pure moonshine. After the time has elapsed, before bottling, the finished drink is combined with coffee tincture.
Webbed walnuts
300 g of prunes separated from the pits are passed through a meat grinder. Grind 3 cloves, black and allspice (3 each), half a vanilla pod. Combine the ingredients by adding 50 g of walnut membranes. Enter 20 ml of glucose solution, and then pour 3 liters of purified moonshine. Insist at room temperature without exposure to light for no longer than 12 days, shaking occasionally. The finished product is carefully filtered.
With raspberry jam
400 g of prunes separated from the pits are passed through a meat grinder. Finely grind ginger (30 g), lemon zest (40 g), juniper berries (20 g). Combine the ingredients by adding 500 g of raspberry jam. Pour 1 liter of 40-degree moonshine, tightly cork the bottle and put in a warm dark place for 3 months. After this time, the drink is filtered from the cake, and then apple juice is added to taste.

With citrus
Peel 2,5 kg of oranges. The zest is rubbed on a fine grater, and juice is squeezed out of the fruit. By adding 1,25 kg of granulated sugar, a thick syrup is prepared. Put together 400 g of dried fruits, crushed orange peels, 50 g of bergamot, 70 g of cornflowers, 4 vanilla pods. Pour the contents of 3 liters of moonshine and leave for 1-1,5 months in a dark place. Before bottling the tincture, a pre-prepared syrup is introduced.
Moonshine for citrus tincture should be well cleaned, not stronger than 50 degrees.
Rules for storage and use
Distillers do not recommend storing moonshine on prunes for longer than 1 year. Even if kept in the refrigerator after 12 months, the drink will acquire a sharp taste with a noticeable sourness, become cloudy and lose its beneficial properties. Fusel oils will also make themselves felt, because of which it will no longer be possible to enjoy the tincture.
Dry plums infused with alcohol are best suited to such products:
- baked potato;
- mashed potatoes;
- game;
- Domestic bird;
- cheeses of different varieties;
- olives.
Fish dishes, as well as seafood, are not recommended to be combined with fruit tincture. Cardinally different tastes do not combine, and therefore cannot complement each other.
Moonshine on prunes is a versatile drink that is suitable for almost all hot or cold dishes. You don’t have to be afraid to experiment. By adding additional ingredients to the tincture, you can achieve an original and rich taste.