Moonshine on galangal: tincture recipes for 3 liters on the root, benefits and harms, reviews

Phytotherapy is considered the basis of non-traditional treatment. It involves not only herbal decoctions, but also tinctures. Galangal root is famous for its valuable properties in herbal medicine. It has the ability to lower cholesterol and remove harmful substances from the body. Moonshine on galangal not only has useful properties, but also has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Composition and value of tincture of galangal root on moonshine

Kalgan is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the ginger family. It is also called erect cinquefoil. In alternative medicine, the galangal root is widely used. It contains a number of useful substances that provide immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. The composition of the plant includes the following components:

  • organic acids;
  • zinc;
  • gum;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • tannin;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid.

Tincture on galangal, moonshine has a powerful effect on a number of serious diseases. It is often used to strengthen the bone skeleton and in inflammatory processes in the body. It has the ability to remove toxins from the body, which is important for pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Comment! Outwardly, galangal resembles ginger. The difference lies in the fact that inside the galangal has a reddish tint.

Moonshine on galangal: tincture recipes for 3 liters on the root, benefits and harms, reviews

Medicinal properties of galangal tincture on moonshine

Thanks to the useful composition of moonshine on galangal, it strengthens the immune system, which helps to endure serious diseases without complications. In addition, it prevents colds during the demi-season. The most pronounced medicinal properties of moonshine on Potentilla include:

  • restoration of the nervous system;
  • pain reduction;
  • antihelminthic effect;
  • antibacterial action;
  • expectorant properties;
  • hemostatic action;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process in the body;
  • normalization of the erectile function;
  • treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

How to insist moonshine on the root of galangal

The healing properties of galangal directly depend on its age. For the preparation of tincture, a plant older than 6 years is harvested. Young specimens do not have the required amount of nutrients. Potentilla roots are usually dug up in late autumn or early spring. At this time, the movement of the juice stops, due to which the concentration of medicinal substances reaches a maximum. This helps to activate the most beneficial properties of the drink.

After extracting from the ground, the rhizomes are cleaned and left to dry in the fresh air. To do this, they are pre-crushed into slices about 5 mm in size. Before use, the roots of the cinquefoil must be cleaned off the skin. To dry the roots faster, you can use an electric dryer or oven. The optimum temperature for drying in this way is 50-60°C. Dried raw materials are recommended to be stored in paper or canvas bags.

Advice! Potentilla grows in large numbers in coastal forests, floodplain meadows and on the outskirts of swampy areas.

How much galangal is needed per liter of moonshine

Moonshine should be insisted on galangal in accordance with the recipe. For 1 liter of moonshine, 100 g of crushed therapeutic agent will be required. For 3 liters of alcohol base, add 300 g of galangal powder.

Recipes for tincture of moonshine on galangal

The classic recipe for moonshine on galangal is simple. It contains only the main ingredients. Before preparing a remedy, it is necessary to grind the dried root into powder.


  • 50 g of Potentilla rhizomes;
  • 500 ml of moonshine.

Moonshine on galangal: tincture recipes for 3 liters on the root, benefits and harms, reviews

The tincture preparation process is as follows:

  1. Raw materials are poured into a dark bottle and poured with moonshine.
  2. The container with the remedy is stored in a dark cabinet, tightly closed with a lid. The bottle is periodically shaken to eliminate suspension.
  3. After 3 weeks, the tincture is filtered and used according to an individual scheme.

Tincture of galangal with licorice


  • 1 tsp crushed licorice root;
  • 1,5 tsp ground galangal root;
  • 500 ml of moonshine;
  • 5 grains of coffee.

Algorithm cooking:

  1. The components are placed in a bottle and filled with the required amount of alcohol base.
  2. Having tightly sealed the lid, the container is cleaned in a dark place for 3 weeks.
  3. After infusion, the remedy is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Tincture of galangal with cinquefoil

An effective anti-inflammatory effect has a tincture based on cinquefoil. It is prescribed for gynecological diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The principle of admission depends on the nature of the disease.


  • 100 g of lapchatka;
  • 200 g of cinquefoil;
  • 3 liters of moonshine.

Cooking process:

  1. Potentilla root and cinquefoil are crushed to a powder.
  2. The mixture is poured into a bottle and filled with moonshine.
  3. After 21 days, the contents of the bottle are filtered.

The tincture is taken orally, previously diluted with water from the ratio: 50 ml of water per 1 tbsp. l. tinctures. Reception is carried out 20 minutes before a meal. After a month of taking, you need to take a 10-day break.

Moonshine on galangal with St. John’s wort

The second name of the tincture is Erofeich. It has a bitter taste, which is why it is used only in small quantities. The composition of the product is multicomponent. This provides it with a wide range of applications. The following ingredients are involved in the recipe:

  • 10 g of lapchatka;
  • 10 g of thyme;
  • 10 g St. John’s wort;
  • 2 g of wormwood;
  • 1 liters of moonshine;
  • Xnumx mint;
  • 10 g centaury;
  • 5 g chamomile;
  • 10 g anise seeds.

Principle of preparation:

  1. The ingredients are ground in any convenient way and poured into a deep container, pouring moonshine.
  2. Within 2 weeks, the remedy is infused.
  3. Ready tincture is filtered. Before use, every 50 ml of the product is diluted with 1 liter of water.

Tincture on coffee beans

An infusion of moonshine on the root of galangal with coffee beans can be used as an alcoholic drink. But even in this case, its healing properties are preserved. For cooking you need:

  • 1 tsp ground rhizome of Potentilla;
  • 5 coffee beans;
  • 500 ml of moonshine.

Algorithm cooking:

  1. The components are mixed and filled with an alcohol base.
  2. Within a month, the drink is infused in a place protected from sunlight.
  3. Before use, the medicine is filtered and poured into small bottles.

Moonshine on galangal: tincture recipes for 3 liters on the root, benefits and harms, reviews

Drink with galangal on herbs

Therapeutic tincture on galangal and herbs, on moonshine is widely used in the fight against colds. It has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects. It consists of:

  • 10 g of dill;
  • 25 g of cinquefoil root;
  • 5 g sage;
  • 3 liters of moonshine;
  • 5 g of lemon balm;
  • 5 g of anise;
  • 10 g licorice root;
  • 10 g St. John’s wort.


  1. The roots and leaves are crushed and then poured with moonshine.
  2. The infusion process is carried out in a warm and dark place for 2 weeks.
  3. After readiness, the drink is filtered through a double layer of gauze.

Walnut tincture

A health drink with the addition of walnuts is especially beneficial for the male reproductive system. This is due to its property to improve blood circulation and stop inflammation in the pelvis. To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • 30 g of ginseng root;
  • 1 liters of moonshine;
  • 70 g of cinquefoil root;
  • 50 g walnut partitions.

Cooking process:

  1. The roots are crushed, and the partitions are left large.
  2. The components are poured into a bottle with dark glass and poured with moonshine.
  3. After 2 weeks, the drink is filtered.

How to take moonshine on the root of galangal

The presence of medicinal properties in moonshine on the roots of galangal does not exclude the possibility of a negative impact on the body. Therefore, it is important to observe the dosage and regimen of taking a medicinal drink. For skin diseases, it is used to prepare compresses. Rubbing with tincture is practiced for rheumatism, arthrosis and sciatica. With a sore throat, rinsing with tincture is effective.

Inside, a medicinal drink is taken, diluted with water. A single dosage is 30 drops. Reception is carried out 30-35 minutes before meals.

Attention! The possibility of combining a medicinal drink with medications should be checked with a doctor.

Rules for taking tincture of galangal on moonshine for potency

The benefits and harms of moonshine on galangal are determined individually, taking into account the nature of the disease. To restore male strength, the drink must be taken 1 tbsp. l. before eating. The reception period is 20-30 days. Properties that stimulate the reproductive system, manifest themselves in the second week of using the drug.

Limitations and contraindications

The use of galangal root in moonshine is not always safe for health. Due to the saturated composition, the drink can be harmful. Contraindications include the following:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • decreased acidity of the stomach;
  • elevated temperature;
  • hypertension.

It is also not recommended to take a drink during the period of antibiotic treatment. Reviews of moonshine on galangal indicate that the likelihood of side effects is extremely low. In rare cases, the abuse of a drink leads to the development of an allergic reaction. In this case, the remedy should be abandoned.


Moonshine on galangal is a versatile and multifunctional drink used for medicinal purposes. To get the maximum benefit from its use, it is necessary to follow the cooking algorithm and usage pattern.

Kalganovka. Natoyka na corne.

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