Moonshine from sugar: 9 recipes at home

Most often, beet sugar is used for the production of alcoholic raw materials, less often cane sugar and molasses, because of their high cost. Some craftsmen start moonshine on refined sugar and even on an inverted component (syrup based on sugar, water and citric acid). Recipes for making moonshine based on sweeteners such as honey, fructose and glucose are also practiced.

moonshine recipes

Recipe for moonshine on inverted sugar

At home, citric acid is the component that starts the inversion process. Inverted sugar is similar in texture to honey and speeds up the fermentation process with its properties.


  1. Sugar – 6 kg

  2. Citric acid – 25 g

  3. Water – 20 L

  4. Bentonite

  5. Raw pressed baker’s yeast – 600 g

Method of preparation

  1. Initially, sugar lends itself to the process of inventing (turning granulated sugar into syrup). This will take a little over an hour.

  2. Ready sugar syrup is poured into water. Yeast is diluted according to the instructions, and introduced into a mixture of water and sugar. The liquid is thoroughly mixed. The container with the mash should be tightly covered and placed in a dark place, with a constant temperature regime of 25–30 degrees. Fermentation, according to this recipe, will take about 10 days.

  3. Bentonite is used to purify alcoholic beverages. It is diluted to the consistency of sour cream and poured into an alcohol liquid, left for a day.

  4. When distilling moonshine, the first and last 300 grams must be separated from the main drink, since they contain all the toxic substances.

Molasses moonshine recipe

Molasses is a by-product that is formed during the production of starch and sugar.


  1. Molasses – 12 liters

  2. Purified water – 25 l

  3. Yeast – 250 g

Method of preparation

  1. To prepare home brew, yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm water (but not hot, otherwise it will lose its properties).

  2. The molasses is diluted with yeast liquid and poured into a large container with purified water. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

  3. A can of mash is tightly closed, wrapped and left for a week.

  4. The finished mixture is distilled using a moonshine still. The final output of the alcoholic product is 6 – 7 liters.

Recipe for moonshine on sugar with bait from crackers


  1. Purified water – 10 l

  2. Yeast (pressed) – 200 g

  3. Black bread crackers – 200 g

  4. Sugar – 2 kg

Method of preparation

  1. At the first stage, only part of the sugar and water is used. To begin with, granulated sugar dissolves in warm water, the mixture should resemble syrup in consistency. Next, yeast diluted in a warm liquid and crushed breadcrumbs are added, everything is thoroughly mixed.

  2. After the mixture begins to boil, add the rest of the water and sugar. Braga is recommended to be shaken regularly. The whole fermentation process will take about 5 days.

  3. You can use charcoal or tea leaves as a filter.

  4. You need to distill moonshine carefully, monitor the temperature indicators, separating the initial and final fractions.

This recipe can be slightly modified by using not crackers, but grapes as a top dressing. Also, practicing hosts make their own personal adjustments and replace regular beet sugar with cane sugar.

Recipe for moonshine with yeast and sugar

The classic way to make moonshine at home.


  1. Sugar – 6 kg

  2. Water – 18 L

  3. Citric acid – 25 g

  4. Dry yeast – 120 g

Method of preparation

  1. At the initial stage, you should thoroughly wash the dishes with hot water and wipe them dry so that the finished product does not contain bad odors and strange tastes.

  2. In a large container, it is necessary to mix 3 liters of liquid and add sugar to boil the syrup, into which after 10 minutes put 25 g of acid and boil for about an hour.

  3. Purified water is combined with syrup gradually. It is important to take a huge dish for this, with a margin so that the fermenting mass does not spill over the top.

  4. The finished mixture is stored in a room with a temperature regime of 26 – 30 degrees, for 5 days. Then served distillation using a moonshine still. This process is carried out twice, alternating with purification. Purify moonshine with charcoal.

  5. To obtain a drink of the desired strength, the expelled liquid is diluted with pure spring water. The standard is 40 degrees.

A quick recipe for moonshine with yeast, sugar and potatoes


  1. Yeast – 5 kg

  2. Potatoes – 2 kg

  3. Bread – 4 loaves

  4. Sugar – 5 kg

  5. Milk – 750 ml

  6. Purified water – 25 l

Method of preparation

  1. Potatoes should be washed and boiled with skin on.

  2. Bread crumble into small pieces.

  3. Peel the boiled product, add bread crumbs, yeast, milk, sugar and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

  4. Heat purified water. In a large container, mix the warm liquid with the prepared mass. Braga is infused for a day.

  5. You need to distill the mash several times (2-3), while cleaning it with activated carbon.

Recipe for simple sugar moonshine

You will get about 6 liters of drink.


  1. Dry yeast – 100 g

  2. Sugar – 5 kg

  3. Water – 20,5 L

Method of preparation

  1. Soak sugar in 15 liters of warm water.

  2. Dilute yeast with a small amount of liquid, combine with syrup.

  3. Add the rest of the water to the mixture.

  4. Leave the sourdough to infuse for a week and a half, overtake.

Moonshine “Express”

The result will be about 6 liters of alcohol.


  1. Yeast – ½ kg

  2. Sugar – 5,5 kg

  3. Milk – 1 liter

  4. Water – 26 L

  5. Rye bread – 4 loaves

  6. Potatoes – 25 pcs.


  1. Peel boiled potatoes, crumble bread.

  2. Soak the yeast in a mixture of sugar and milk.

  3. Combine all components, introduce warm water, knead.

  4. Keep the composition for 24 hours, distill.

Moonshine “Starch”

You can get up to 12 liters of alcohol.


  1. Starch – 11 kg

  2. Sugar – 1,3 kg

  3. Water – 22 L

  4. Yeast – ½ kg

Method of preparation

  1. Introduce starch into water and brew to a jelly consistency.

  2. Fill the mass with yeast and sugar.

  3. Wait half a week or a little more, make a distillation.

Recipe for moonshine with yeast, sugar and apricot


  1. Ripe apricots – 10 kg

  2. Water – 15 L

  3. Sugar – 5 kg

  4. Alcoholic yeast – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Wash the apricot and remove the seeds from it (they give the moonshine bitterness).

  2. Kill fruits with a blender into a mass of uniform texture, mix with sugar and yeast. Pour the mixture into a large can.

  3. Heat water and pour it into a can, mix the component.

  4. The fermentation process will take 4-5 days, the first signs appear in a day.

  5. The mash is distilled with a moonshine, removing the “head” and “tail” of alcohol. You need to dilute the alcoholic product with clean water, until the final result is 40–45 degrees.

Relevance: 19.04.2018

Tags: Vodka, Braga, Moonshine, Moonshine Recipes

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