Moonshine from rice: 5 recipes at home

When it comes to rice vodka or moonshine, for some reason, many people think that this is sake. But the Japanese alcoholic drink is not vodka at all, and there is no such step as “distillation” in the process of its preparation.

And for making homemade rice moonshine, you can use the cheapest raw materials, this will not affect the taste of the finished product.

rice wine recipes

Rice mash at home

Rice mash, in principle, like other cereal distillates, is very demanding on the temperature regime and starting to cook it without a kitchen thermometer is a very risky business. This is due to the fact that it is simply impossible to determine exactly 63 degrees “by eye”.

And as a result, you can ruin the “saccharification” that is so necessary to break down the starch in the grains into glucose.

Despite the cereal base, rice moonshine is characterized by softness in taste.


  1. Rice – 3 kg

  2. Water – 17 L

  3. Malt (rye, barley or wheat) – 500 g

  4. Pressed yeast – 75 g

Method of preparation

  1. Rice must be thoroughly washed and poured with 10 liters of water.

  2. Then put the container on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for another 40 minutes. Be sure to stir so the rice doesn’t burn.

  3. Also, during the cooking process, it is necessary to add another 2 liters of water in parts. As a result, we should get a homogeneous thick porridge.

  4. Now cover the container with a lid and cool the rice porridge to 65-68 degrees.

  5. While the mass is cooling down, we need to prepare the malt. To do this, it should be passed through a meat grinder and diluted with one liter of water.

  6. After the porridge has reached the desired temperature, we introduce the prepared malt into it and knead until a homogeneous consistency.

  7. We heat the mass to 63 degrees and continue to hold the specified temperature regime for another 1,5 hours.

  8. After 90 minutes, we urgently cool the wort to 25-28 degrees. To speed up the process, you can use cold water, to do this, simply lower the pan into a pre-filled bath.

  9. After cooling, add diluted yeast to the wort, another liter of water and pour it into a glass container for fermentation.

  10. We install a water seal or you can use a rubber glove, just be sure to make a hole on one of the fingers with a needle.

  11. We transfer the mash to a dark place where a stable temperature of 18–25 degrees is maintained for 4–7 days.

  12. After the end of fermentation, the mash must be filtered. This is necessary so that solid particles do not burn during the distillation process and the finished product does not taste bitter.

Basic method for making rice moonshine (suitable for all recipes below…)

  1. Strained rice mash is distilled through a moonshine still. After the fall of the fortress in the jet below 30 degrees, we stop collecting the distillate.

  2. We measure the strength and determine the amount of pure alcohol. Then the distillate must be diluted with water to 20 degrees.

  3. The diluted moonshine is re-distilled through the cube. Be sure to collect the first 12–15% of the product in a separate container. This fraction, which is often called the “head” is dangerous to our health due to the high content of methanol.

  4. As soon as the fortress in the stream falls below 45 degrees, we stop collecting the main product.

  5. We dilute rice moonshine with clean water to 40-45 degrees and leave it for 1-2 days in the refrigerator or cellar. This is necessary in order to stabilize the taste.

  6. As a result, we got a very soft drink, with a light, even subtle aroma of rice.

Recipe for moonshine from rice with crushed malt


  1. Rice – 3 kg

  2. Yeast – 200 g

  3. Purified water – 12 l

  4. Ground malt – 3 cups

Method of preparation

  1. Boil the rice (almost until cooked) in the full amount of water.

  2. Prepare the malt in advance, pass it through a meat grinder and add to the rice.

  3. Wait until the mixture cools down and leave it for 10 hours.

  4. Reheat the mass and dilute the yeast in it.

  5. Leave the mash in a dark place for a week. Distill the distillate twice, separating the heads and tails.

moonshine recipe from rice and malaga


  1. Rice crushed – 1 cup

  2. Malaga – 1 bottle

  3. Raisins – 400 g

  4. Sugar syrup

  5. Yeast (beer) – 200 g

  6. Purified water – 12,5 l

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the raisins into the pan and pour it with two glasses of water. Put on low heat and boil for 15 minutes, let it cool.

  2. In a large can, combine all of the above components, mix the liquid thoroughly, and then leave in a warm place for 4 days.

  3. After 4 days, pour 12 liters of purified water into the wash mass and leave it for another day.

  4. Ready mash must first be filtered through cheesecloth, tightly packed in a colander.

  5. Next, the liquid must be cleaned. For this purpose, crushed activated carbon can be used.

  6. After filtering, the finished mash is subjected to distillation. For this, three containers are prepared, which can be signed in advance with a marker: head, main product, tail. This is necessary in order to separate low-quality fractions.

Recipe for moonshine from rice with the addition of beer


  1. Rice groats – 2 cups

  2. Granulated sugar – 3 cups

  3. Purified water – 2,5 l

  4. Beer – 1 bottle

Method of preparation

  1. Pour rice cereal and sugar into a glass bottle, pour a bottle of beer (0,5 l).

  2. Next, water is poured into the mixture so that the glass vessel is not completely filled.

  3. The bottle is covered tightly with gauze folded in several layers.

  4. The fermentation process, according to this recipe, takes about 3 days, after which it is recommended to distill the distillate twice with separation into fractions.

Green Malt Rice Moonshine Recipe


  1. Rice – 2 kg

  2. Sugar – 1,3 kg

  3. Water – 10 L

  4. Dry yeast – 20 g

  5. Green malt – 1,5 kg

Method of preparation

  1. Pour 5 liters of purified water into a large saucepan and add rice, previously washed under a cold stream.

  2. Rice must be cooked until it is fully cooked. Allow the porridge to cool before further use.

  3. Pass green malt through a meat grinder and pour into the finished rice.

  4. The mass of porridge and malt should be allowed to stand for three hours.

  5. Dilute the yeast in warm water, combine with sugar and leave until the sugar is completely dissolved.

  6. Combine all components and send for fermentation.

  7. As a filter for rice moonshine, you can use regular milk or activated carbon.

  8. Ready mash should be carefully filtered and distilled.

moonshine recipes

Relevance: 16.04.2018

Tags: Vodka, Braga, Moonshine, Moonshine Recipes

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