Some distillers complain about the grassy aroma and slightly bitter taste of rhubarb moonshine. The fact is that some parts of the plant contain a lot of tannins and acids, so the raw materials require careful processing. But, due to the high concentration of malic acid, with the proper preparation of the mash and the observance of the distillation technology, the distillate slightly resembles apple moonshine, but with its own unique notes.
Any edible variety of rhubarb will do, as long as the plants are young, ripe, and juicy. Usually, harvesting is completed before mid-June, as then the stems become coarse, losing in juiciness and taste.
Only peeled rhubarb stalks can be eaten, and roots, leaves and other parts are not suitable, as they contain poisonous compounds, especially oxalic acid.
The sugar content of petioles is only up to 2%, which means that to obtain at least 500 ml of pure forty-degree moonshine, a minimum of 20 kg of raw materials is required. Therefore, in order to maintain normal fermentation and obtain an acceptable amount of the finished product, beet sugar must be added to rhubarb mash. Optimal proportions: add 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of petioles.
To preserve a light “apple” flavor, it is advisable to use wine yeast or home-made raisin sourdough, the disadvantage is that fermentation lasts 30-45 days. Dry and pressed baker’s yeast give a characteristic alcoholic aroma, therefore they are undesirable, but when they are introduced, the mash will win back in 3-8 days.
- rhubarb petioles – 1 kg;
- sugar – 1 kg;
- water – 5 liters;
- yeast (wine, alcohol, bakery, sourdough) – for 7-8 liters of wort.
Rhubarb mash recipe
1. Wash the petioles, remove the white stem, cut into pieces and put in a saucepan for cooking.
2. Add sugar and 3 liters of water (60% of the total in other proportions). Mix. The water should cover the rhubarb layer by 2-3 cm. If necessary, add more water, this will not hurt.
3. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and cook until the roots are soft.
4. Remove the pan from the stove. To cover with a lid. Cool to room temperature. Thanks to cooking, it will be possible to destroy harmful substances and remove too sharp herbal taste.
5. Pour the contents of the pot, along with the rest of the rhubarb, into a fermentation container. Add 2 liters of water. Add activated yeast according to package instructions. Mix. Fill the container to a maximum of 75-80% of the volume so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide, which is released during the fermentation process.
6. Install a water seal (a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers made with a needle). Transfer the rhubarb mash to a dark place with a temperature of +20-28 ° C and leave until the end of fermentation (depending on the selected yeast and temperature, the process lasts 3-50 days). Carbon dioxide is not emitted from the finished mash (the glove deflates), a layer of sediment appears at the bottom, the mash itself becomes not sweet in taste with a slight bitterness.

Getting moonshine from rhubarb
7. Filter the washed mash through 2-3 layers of gauze and pour into a distillation cube. Overtake the first time at maximum speed without separation into fractions. Finish the selection when the strength in the jet falls below 18-20%. Moonshine may come out slightly cloudy, this is normal.
8. Measure the strength of the resulting product. Determine the amount of pure alcohol (volume in liters multiplied by the strength in percent and divided by 100).
9. Dilute moonshine with water to a strength of 18-20%. Overtake a second time. Collect the first 10-12% of the yield of pure alcohol separately. This harmful fraction (“head”) can only be used for technical needs.
10. Collect the main product (“body”) until the strength in the jet drops below 45%. Then finish the distillation or take the “tails” into another container.
11. Dilute the ready moonshine from rhubarb (“body”) to a drinking strength of 40-45%, pour into glass containers and close tightly. Leave in the cold for 2-3 days to stabilize the taste.