Moonshine from grapes at home

First of all, the proposed method of making moonshine from grapes is relevant for those who often make wine or simply preserve juice. In the process of obtaining these drinks, pomace (cake) remains, which is a pity to throw away. It is from grape pomace that real chacha or its Italian counterpart, grappa, is prepared. Both white and red grape varieties can be used.


  • grape pomace – 10 liters;
  • sugar – 5 kg (optional);
  • yeast – 100 grams dry or 500 grams pressed (optional);
  • water – 30 liters.

Often, wild yeast remains on the pomace, so you can not add dry or pressed ones, which worsen the aroma. At the same time, it is important to remember that fermentation with wild yeast lasts several times longer – 20-50 days, instead of 5-10, but if time is not running out, it is better to wait.

Sugar increases the yield of distillate (each kilogram by about 1,1 liters 40%), but makes the grape aftertaste not so bright. If the berries were sour, be sure to add at least a couple of kilograms of sugar, otherwise the amount of moonshine at the exit will unpleasantly surprise you, it is difficult to predict the initial sugar content of the pomace.

grape brew recipe

1. Prepare a container for 45-50 liters. If the farm does not have such a capacious container, reduce the proportions.

2. Add all the ingredients to the fermentation tank, mix. You can preheat the water to 30 ° C, then the yeast will dissolve faster and better. Install a water seal on the neck. Transfer the mash to a dark room with a temperature of 18-28 ° C and leave until the end of fermentation.

Moonshine from grapes at home
Designs of water seals for wine, mash and beer

3. When the water seal stops emitting gas, the mash will brighten, become bitter in taste, and sediment will appear at the bottom, you can start distillation.

Getting moonshine from grapes

4. Before distillation, drain the mash from the sediment and filter through a couple of layers of gauze so that the hard part does not burn.

5. Distill on a moonshine still of any design. The first 30 ml of the output and another 20-30 ml for each kilogram of added sugar are collected separately and poured. This is a dangerous fraction, which is called “heads”, you can not drink it.

6. Stop collecting distillate when the strength in the jet drops below 40-45%. Do not clean with charcoal or other methods to leave a grape smell. To improve the quality, only re-distillation is allowed.

7. Dilute the resulting moonshine with water to the desired strength (usually 40-45%) and leave for 2-3 days before use in a dark, cool place to stabilize the taste.

The result will be up to 7 liters (together with sugar) of high-quality moonshine from grapes with a strength of 40-50 degrees.

Moonshine from grapes at home

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