Moonshine from expired sweets (chocolate, caramel, stuffed)

Substandard (expired, sticky, crushed, etc.) sweets contain a lot of sugar, so they are a good raw material for home brewing. The problem is that the composition also includes oils, flavors and other chemicals that can ruin the aroma and taste of the distillate. We will consider a universal technology for making moonshine from sweets, suitable for any raw material.

It is difficult to predict how high-quality moonshine will turn out at the exit. It depends on the additives. In any case, the drink will not be better than regular sugar. It is advisable to prepare candy mash only from waste that cannot be used for other needs. The yield depends on the sugar content of the candy.


  • sweets – 3 kg;
  • water – 15 liters;
  • yeast – 200 grams pressed (or 40 grams dry).

You should take care of good ventilation in advance, as a strong, specific smell will appear during cooking.

Candy mash recipe

1. Peel candies from wrappers without mixing different varieties. Pass soft (chocolate, with filling) through a meat grinder, leave caramel and other hard ones as they are.

2. Boil water, slowly add the candy mass to the water, stirring constantly.

Candy has a different consistency, so each variety must be brewed in a separate container, otherwise some will burn before others have time to dissolve.

3. Maintaining a temperature of 50-85°C, boil the wort until it becomes homogeneous. The time depends on the hardness of the candy, chocolate candy takes 10-15 minutes at 50-60°C, and caramel can take about an hour at 80-85°C to dissolve.

Since all candies are different, it is impossible to predict the exact cooking time. If the mass becomes too thick, water should be added periodically.

4. Cool the mixture to a temperature of 27-30°C, pour into a fermentation tank (you can mix different types). If the consistency is thick, add more water to thin the wort. Braga should be sweet, but not cloying (maximum sugar content is 20%). Fill the container no more than 70% of the volume, as active foaming is possible.

5. Dilute yeast according to label directions, then add to candy wort and mix.

6. Install a water seal or a medical glove with a hole in the finger on the neck of the container. Transfer the candy mash to a dark room (can be covered) with a temperature of 18-27°C.

Moonshine from expired sweets (chocolate, caramel, stuffed)
Designs of water seals for wine, mash and beer

7. Fermentation lasts 5-14 days. Then the water seal stops emitting gas (the glove deflates), sediment appears at the bottom, and the mash becomes bitter in taste, sweetness is not felt.

During fermentation, an oily film may appear on the surface of the mash, this is palm and other types of oil that are added to sweets. The film must be removed as it appears, especially before distillation.

8. Drain the fermented candy mash from the sediment, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze. It is advisable to make clarification one of the methods.

Getting moonshine from candy

9. Fill the distillation cube of the moonshine still with mash. Overtake the mash for the first time. Collect the first 20-30 ml of output from each kilogram of sweets separately. This is a harmful fraction that should not be drunk. Stop distillate extraction when the strength in the stream drops below 30%. Measure the overall strength of the drink. Determine the amount of absolute alcohol (volume in liters multiplied by the strength in percent and divided by 100).

10. Candy moonshine (may be cloudy) diluted with water up to 17-20%. It is advisable to clean with coal, milk or other method, then overtake again.

12. At the second distillation, collect the first 14-15% of the yield from the amount of absolute alcohol separately. Stop the process when the fortress in the jet drops below 45%.

13. Dilute the resulting moonshine from sweets with water to 40-45 degrees and keep it for 2-3 days in a dark room before use.

Moonshine from expired sweets (chocolate, caramel, stuffed)

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