Moonshine from corn: a recipe at home

The biggest fans of corn moonshine are Americans. Only they keep it for more than two years in charred oak barrels and call it nothing more than bourbon.

moonshine recipes

Question specifics

Surely many people know that this drink is prepared from corn, and to be more precise, from corn grits and even from corn flour. This is due to the fact that germinated raw materials significantly reduce the yield of the finished product, and the cost is simply sky-high.

Of course, there are companies that can afford it, because they have their own audience, ready to pay more than $500 for a bottle of bourbon.

But we will take the proven route and use technology that is used by more than 70% of businesses in Kentucky.

So, first we need to prepare the mash. This process is a bit of a hassle and in order not to spoil the product, it is better to use a cooking thermometer. This will make your job much easier.

At the exit, we get a drink with a light sweetish aftertaste, and a subtle aroma of corn grits.

corn mash recipe


  1. Corn grits (flour) – 1,5 kg

  2. Wheat, barley or rye malt – 300 g

  3. Water – 7 L

  4. Pressed baker’s yeast – 25 g (5 g dry)

Method of preparation

  1. In a water bath, heat 6 liters of water to 50 degrees.

  2. Now we pour the corn grits (flour) in a thin stream and cook the porridge for about 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir so that lumps do not form.

  3. Then raise the temperature to 65 degrees, continue stirring and cook for another 15 minutes.

  4. At this stage, pour in the remaining liter of water, raise the temperature to 75–80 degrees, and already at this temperature we continue to cook the porridge for another 20 minutes. Now you can cover the pot with a lid.

  5. While the mash (sourdough) is being prepared, we need to prepare the malt: crush the dry malt to a state of coarse grinding, and twist the green in a meat grinder.

  6. We cool the finished porridge to 65 degrees, add the prepared malt and mix well until smooth.

  7. We cover the mass with a lid and wrap it in a warm blanket. We leave in this state for 7 hours. During this time, thanks to the malt, the sourdough will have time to sugar.

  8. After 7 hours, dilute the yeast according to the instructions on the package.

  9. We cool the mash to 25–29 degrees. To speed up the process, you can add a little cold water or put the container itself in an ice bath.

  10. We introduce yeast into the cooled mass, mix thoroughly and pour into a sterile container for fermentation.

  11. We install a water seal and leave it for 3–7 days in a dark room at a temperature of 18–30 degrees.

  12. As soon as the fermentation process is over, we pass the mash through a gauze filter.

Method for making corn moonshine

  1. We distill the prepared mash in a cube for the first time without dividing into “tails” and “heads”.

  2. As soon as the strength in the stream drops to 25%, we stop collecting distillate.

  3. We measure the total strength of the resulting drink, and then determine the amount of pure alcohol.

  4. We dilute corn alcohol with pure water up to 15–20%.

  5. Then re-distill the distillate over low heat. We collect the first 12–15% of moonshine in a separate container (these are harmful fractions).

  6. After the drop of the fortress in the jet to 45%, we stop collecting distillate.

  7. Before tasting, we dilute the corn moonshine to 40-45 degrees with water, pour it into jars and keep it for two days in a cool place.

  8. To make homemade bourbon, corn moonshine must be aged for 6-9 months on oak chips or oak barrels, ideally if they are internally charred.

Relevance: 30.03.2018

Tags: Vodka, Braga, Moonshine, Moonshine Recipes

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