Mood products that make us happy, energetic, positive and content

They stimulate the production of joy hormones in the body.

And it is true. There are foods that influence the production of happiness hormones in the body. And, in turn, our mood improves, energy and a sense of satisfaction appear. This is a kind of natural antidepressant. Almost everyone knows about dark chocolate, which has such an effect. But there are other foods that help us cheer up and feel happier.

They contain many substances that affect brain activity, including tryptophan, which contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness – serotonin. And, of course, vitamin B, the lack of which affects our mood. Bananas also quickly raise blood glucose levels, which gives us energy.

And other citrus fruits. They are rich in vitamin C, which helps not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to protect against stress and overexertion. Orange protects the cells responsible for the production of the hormone of joy. Even just the smell of citrus can improve mood and dispel melancholy. Experts advise keeping a bottle of orange essential oil on your desktop and taking two or three breaths before doing important work that requires concentration and attention. And start the morning with fresh fruit.

It is also called the berry of happiness. It is also rich in vitamin C, which reduces the level of stress hormones in the body, potassium, folic acid. If you are tired of strawberries, you can replace them with blueberries, which have excellent antidepressant properties.

Contains vitamin B12, which is important for the production of the hormone of joy – serotonin, as lack of it makes us irritable, sullen and unfriendly. Important: this applies specifically to white meat. Red (in the legs) does not have this effect.

Trout, salmon, salmon – they are all rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and are great at fighting mood swings. They also contain vitamins B6 and B12 (when they are lacking in the body, we begin to mope). To get the effect, you need to add fish to your diet two to three times a week.

They give about the same effect as fish. The king among fatty acids is the walnut. But almonds are the leader in the presence of vitamin B6, which not only has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but also has a great effect on the production of serotonin. The daily allowance is about 50 grams.

And other cereals. Yes, yes, they not only improve the functioning of the digestive system, but also give a positive attitude. They are high in folate, which in turn affects the level of serotonin, which is responsible for our mood. Important: when buying, choose coarse flakes. By the way, couscous is also a storehouse of tryptophan (it is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin).

It is rich in calcium and vitamin D, which reduce anxiety, irritability and depression in general, and soothe the nervous system. It is important to take into account that yogurt (and any other dairy product) has at least a small fat content, because useful trace elements from low-fat foods (0%) are simply not absorbed by the body.

One of the best foods that promote the synthesis of the hormone of joy (many B vitamins, magnesium). They also contain tyramine, which is processed in the body into serotonin, which together has a great effect on the nervous system and our positive attitude.

Practically a champion in nutrient content. Contains folic acid, tryptophan, vitamin B6 – essential elements for the production of serotonin. To maintain a good emotional state, it is enough to eat half an avocado a day.

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