Mood food

We are what we eat. Food can not only cheer up and energize for the whole day, but also suppress, deprive of vitality. What foods should be included in the diet, and what should be avoided? The opinion of nutritionists.

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Here are two lists of products. In the first one you will find something that will help you become energetic and positive, color your life with new colors, cope with anxiety and panic attacks. The second lists products that may not play the most important role in your life, but which you should refrain from excessive consumption of.

Eat regularly and enjoy

1. Flax, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds stimulate the production of the “hormone of happiness” serotonin. The same can be said about almonds, peanuts, cashews and walnuts.

2. Eggs contain a huge amount of amino acids and fatty acids necessary for the production of serotonin.

3. Mushrooms, corn, sweet potato, broccoli, spinach and soy products stabilize the level of the “hormone of happiness”.

4. Useful foods with tryptophan – an amino acid that promotes the natural production of serotonin in the brain. Tryptophan can be found in all types of poultry, especially turkey and duck, as well as bananas, milk, oatmeal, cheese, and peanut butter.

5. B vitamins help fight depression and panic attacks. Focus on beef, pork, chicken, green salad, vegetables, citrus fruits, especially oranges, rice, nuts, and eggs.

6. Carbohydrates are also known for their ability to increase levels of the “happiness hormone”. Try whole grain bread and brown rice – the slow release of sugar into the blood from these foods provides a steady stream of energy.

7. The intake of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids along with antidepressants increased the effectiveness of therapy. Include salmon, tuna, char, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines in your diet.

8. For a good mood, the level of another hormone, dopamine, is also important: its production is stimulated by food rich in proteins. Meat, fish, Greek yogurt, beans, eggs, nuts, soy and cheese can improve your mood without compromising your health.

9. You can cheer up with the help of an “energy” cocktail prepared with your own hands. Try a smoothie with one banana, two tablespoons of cocoa, 100 ml of almond milk and a teaspoon of chia seeds.

Restrict or refuse altogether

1. Do you drink coffee and caffeinated drinks (black tea, cola and hot chocolate) to wake up and recharge your batteries? The problem is that caffeine lowers the level of serotonin in the brain, which leads to irritability and depression.

2. After sweets, chocolate bars and ice cream, we feel cheerful, energetic and able to move mountains. But the effect wears off as quickly as it appears. Sugar is very quickly absorbed into the blood, which entails a large burst of energy. But our body immediately begins to produce insulin to lower the unnatural level of sugar in the blood (an ordinary chocolate bar contains half a glass of sugar!). As a result, fatigue and drowsiness within a couple of hours after eating a treat.

3. Drink to relax? Be aware of headaches in the morning and that alcohol is a diuretic, which means that there is a danger of dehydration, which always lowers your mood. Allow yourself a glass of wine at dinner, but no more.

4. It has been proven that sausages, fried foods, heavy cream, fast food and convenience foods increase the risk of depression by one and a half times.

Watch not only what you eat, but also how you do it. A person prone to depression, apathy, bad mood, eats little and not varied, because a depressed state discourages appetite. A variety of useful products on your table will allow you to forget about anxiety and irritability forever.

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