Montserrat Caballe: biography, interesting facts, video

Montserrat Caballe: biography, interesting facts, video

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! In the article “Montserrat Caballe: biography, facts, video” – about the life of the opera diva of Spain. Caballe had a huge repertoire (88 roles), about 800 chamber pieces. What was her path to success?

Biography of Montserrat Caballe

In Barcelona, ​​in a family of ordinary people on April 12.04.1933, XNUMX, a girl was born who was destined to become a great singer. Her full name is Maria de Montserrat Viviana Concepcion Caballe and Folk.

This name was given to her in honor of the monastery and the sacred mountain on which it is located. Among the Catalans, the mountain is called Saint Maria Montserrat.

Little Montserrat loved to sing and she did it very well. At first, she performed songs of her favorite artists. Later, training began with the best music teachers.

Since the family lived in poverty, the girl decided to get a job, she had to earn extra money as a seamstress and cutter, she also worked as a seller, all this was together with her studies.

Montserrat Caballe: biography, interesting facts, video

Another hobby of Caballe is the study of foreign languages. Studying in was given with ease, after graduating from the Lyceum in 1954, she received a gold medal. Even during her studies, noticing her talent, the teachers recommended that she visit Italy to audition for the theater.

But in a modest family there were no such funds and the move was impossible. Only thanks to the participation of patrons of art, Caballe was able to get into the theater, she was given a job.

At one of the performances, she was noticed by the director of the Basel Opera Theater. He was fascinated by her unique voice. The performance was followed by an invitation to work at the Basel Theater. In 1956, the singer agreed and moved to Switzerland for a year.


Once in New York, Caballe was offered to perform the part of Lucrezia Borgia with a performance at Carnegie Hall. The performance was great, the audience was fascinated by her extraordinary voice and applauded standing for almost half an hour. Caballe becomes famous, the most famous scenes in the world were open to her.

It was a success for Montserrat Caballe. She did not want to stop there and continued to improve her voice. Her performance and perseverance can be envied and surprised.

The repertoire of the opera diva is complex and multifaceted. It consisted of 40 full-fledged operas and 130 operatic parts. The famous rock musician Freddie Mercury performed the song in her honor. In 1987, Freddie and Montserrat performed the song Barcelona, ​​which immediately became a hit.

For many years in a row, the singer held top positions. The performance with Nikolai Baskov also became popular and famous. At home, the great singer gave singing lessons to Baskov, teaching him the correct breathing technique, since this is very important for opera singers.

Personal life of Montserrat Caballe

In 1964, Montserrat married the opera singer Bernabe Martí.

The singer said that she was happy in her family life. From childhood, she learned a lesson about the equality of spouses in marriage. How important it is to maintain respect for each other and raise your children correctly. There are two of them. Son – Bernabe (1966) and daughter Montserrat (1976). The spouses called the children by their proper names.

Montserrat Caballe: biography, interesting facts, video

Montserrat with daughter

The singer was calm about her fame and celebrity. She tried to prevent this fact from harming her children in the upbringing process. Montserrat was fond of painting, drove a great car and loved to eat well. Her zodiac sign is Aries, height – 1,61 m.Weight – 100 kg.

Illness and death

Montserrat died on 6 October 2018 in a hospital in Barcelona. Cause of death: problems with the bladder, she was ill for a long time. She was 85 years old.

Montserrat Caballe: biography, video with husband Bernabe Marty ↓

Montserrat Caballé & Bernabé Martí – Near you

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