Montignac diet

Many slimming diets require precise counting of calories, limiting their amount and strict monitoring of the meals prescribed in the diet plan. Meanwhile, quantity is not always important, and it turns out that the quality of meals, their composition and composition can positively affect our health, loss of unnecessary kilograms and well-being.

Montignac diet – rules

Montignac diet is an example of a slimming diet, the principles of which are based on the basic list of products with a low glycemic index. He has developed this way of losing unwanted fat and maintaining a healthy weight Michel Montignac, French cardiologist. Glycemic index is a list of food products according to the amount and type of sugar they contain. This way of analyzing food allows you to determine the effect of a given product on the blood sugar content.

Scale glycemic index (IG) ranges from 0 to 100, broken down into three groups. Values ​​0-55 mean low level of the glycemic index, 56-69 average level of the glycemic indexand a value of 70-100 specifies products of high level glycemic index. Value IG depends on how much the specific product affects blood glucose levels. High glycemic index have foods that are digested quickly and that quickly raise blood sugar levels. Low IG value it is assigned to products that do not cause a rapid increase in blood glucose, and release it gradually during slow digestion. Products by low glycemic index they keep the feeling of satiety longer, allowing you to eat smaller portions without the unpleasant feeling of hunger between meals, which definitely promotes healthy weight loss. Slimming on Montignac diet it is based on such a system.

An important rule is to distinguish the size of meals: breakfast should be the most abundant: it is designed to give us energy for the whole day, without a sudden jump in sugar levels, which, despite the sensation of agitation, quickly causes weariness and a decrease in well-being. Instead of sweet breakfast cereals with milk or a bun full of simple sugars, for Montignac diet for breakfast we will eat lean cottage cheese and a slice of whole grain bread or sugar-free muesli with lean yoghurt. There is no restriction on the exact portion size: the most important thing is to keep the proportions: the most abundant breakfast, the smaller lunch and the small dinner.

Lunch on Montignac diet may consist of vegetable soup (without potatoes) or cream soup, lean, oven-baked meat or foil-baked fish, and vegetable salad.

Dinner may consist of green beans with a fried egg, or some other warm, low meal glycemic index. A warm, tasty dinner will also help you avoid nocturnal hunger pangs.

Who is the Montignac diet for?

Due to the product division system based on laboratory tests of the effect of given ingredients on blood sugar levels, Montignac diet it is indicated for diabetics. Not necessarily as a reduction diet – just building a menu based on products with a low glycemic index allows you to maintain a proper, safe level of glucose in the body. Lists of products broken down by value by glycemic index can be found on the Internet. It’s best to print a simplified list, hang it on the fridge, take it shopping and get into a buying habit low GI productsto learn how to compose healthy, tasty and filling meals.

In everyday life, it’s easy to remember how to choose the products you want low glycemic index, without giving up on pleasure. White flour bread having high glycemic index (90) can be replaced with whole grain bread (IG 65), fried snacks at parties can be replaced with delicious and healthy sushi (IG 55).


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns. When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in specific nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be devastating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and may also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

When composing meals in Montignac diet keep in mind that high fiber content as well as additives such as citric acid or fat will reduce this glycemic index the entire meal. The method of preparing a given product: the duration of cooking, the form of its administration: raw, boiled, fried, dried and the degree of maturity of a given product (for example in the case of fruit) also affect the final result. glycemic index given meal. Preparing meals according to the Montignac diet, do not use flour and sugar, fry in olive oil, and when composing the menu, remember to provide diversity and the right amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet.

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