The mysterious death of a young writer from Moscow is vigorously discussed on the Web. The girl was fond of an unusual fasting system, which, according to doctors, could in a short time lead to a clouding of her mind and subsequent death.
34 239 103February 26 2021
Adeline Sheldon
In recent years, fasting has become a real trend among all those who dream of losing weight and are fond of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Still, scientists have long discovered the real benefits of avoiding food – both in terms of weight loss, and for maintaining youth and increasing productivity.
However, starving for no reason, without the supervision of specialists, is a very dangerous decision. Everything can end up with an upset gastrointestinal tract. More serious violations are not excluded, and in various areas of the body.
But these pluses and minuses relate specifically to intermittent fasting, which, among other methods of losing weight, is considered a very mild practice. As many centuries ago, some people adhere to much more dangerous restrictions. For example, they refuse to eat for a very long time. And sometimes from water …
The so-called dry fasting is especially in demand among people keen on various esoteric knowledge. But sometimes ordinary women, desperate to lose weight in other ways, try to practice it. And it’s good if after such a diet they do not lose their lives.
But the 20-year-old writer from Moscow, Adeline Sheldon, alas, is no longer alive. The girl’s lifeless body was found in the apartment by her landlord. Doctors found that for at least several days before her death, the writer did not drink or eat anything and, apparently, was completely exhausted.
According to the recollections of acquaintances, Adeline has always been an intellectually developed girl. Already at the age of 15, she entered the university, and also wrote books in the historical genre. In the last moments of her life, she worked on a work on the French royal dynasty.
Sheldon has practiced a variety of dietary practices on numerous occasions and has been inspired by past nutritional examples. Not a crumb of food was found in her apartment. Apparently, she was on dry fasting for a long time.
Clinic gastroenterologist
“In medicine, there is not a single case or indication that would provide for dry fasting treatment. This is a monstrous measure that can lead to serious problems even in an absolutely healthy person, ”the specialist explains.
Even when a person is unconscious, lies under droppers and does not receive food and water by mouth, he is supplied with all the necessary nutrients through injections. What can we say about the usual rhythm of life, which clearly does not provide for the rejection of the main “fuel”.
“In the case of a hunger strike, a person begins a real torture – the process of autolysis, when the body begins to feed on itself. But this is not about reducing the level of fat, as everyone thinks. Muscle fibers, which are responsible for everything from the ability to move to the work of the brain, are the first to respond. Without water, the kidneys and all excretory functions suffer, which over time can lead to severe renal, hepatic and heart failure, ”the gastroenterologist warns.
As the saying goes, the further into the forest, the more firewood … In the absence of water and nutrients, metabolic processes in the body stop. Intoxication comes to their place. The body begins to poison itself.
“At first, this may cause a person to become drowsy and confused. But over time, the problem will worsen. A hunger strike can even lead to a precomatose state and coma! A person simply will not have the opportunity to seek help and even call an ambulance. And if there is no one next to him, it is difficult to avoid a fatal situation, ”the doctor concludes.
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