Monstera leaf, what to do if monstera leaves turn yellow
Despite the fact that monstera is considered an unpretentious plant and does not require special care, troubles can happen to her. Possession of information about the manifestations of possible diseases will help the owner take timely measures to save the monster and prevent her death.
Why the monstera leaf can turn yellow
Liana can signal its problems only by its appearance, namely: the leaves begin to dry or change their color. Drying and yellowing of the leaves is the most common symptom.
Monstera leaves do not tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight
Reasons why monstera leaves may turn yellow:
- Excess moisture – with excessive watering, rotting of the root system or leaves may begin. In this case, the amount of water should be reduced and the damaged parts of the plant should be removed.
- Lack of moisture is manifested by yellowing of the lower leaves, while the upper part remains green. Young leaves grow smaller than usual.
- Massive yellowing of foliage is manifested by an excess of direct sunlight. Monstera prefers partial shade – this should be taken into account when choosing a permanent place for the plant.
- Lack of nutrition – This problem can be avoided with timely feeding. As a top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers, wood ash.
- Pests – when affected by a spider mite or mealybug, the leaves also begin to turn yellow and dry out. Vines should be regularly inspected for signs of infection.
Monster care measures should be adjusted depending on weather and climatic conditions.
What to do if monstera leaves turn yellow
First of all, you need to find out and eliminate the real reason why the monstera began to look unsightly:
- if there is a lack of moisture, increase the frequency of watering, and if there is an excess, let the soil dry out;
- in spring and summer, add mineral or organic fertilizers to the soil every 2 weeks;
- remove all damaged leaves and roots and treat the cut with ash – this will stop the decay process;
- if signs of pests are found, treat the monster with a special preparation;
- place the plant on the west or east side of the room, or provide shade from the sun.
To prevent diseases, periodically treat the leaves with drugs to increase the immunity of indoor plants, for example, “zircon” or “epin”. The sooner you eliminate the cause of the disease, the faster the monstera will recover and will again delight you with its beautiful appearance.