Monstera flower: home care
Monstera is an exotic flower, but it can often be found in Russian apartments and offices. This is a liana with huge carved leaves. In indoor conditions, it almost never blooms. But even without this, she is very attractive and loved by flower growers.
Keeping this tropical plant in the house is not difficult, the main thing is to know what conditions are preferable for it. In order for the flower to feel comfortable and not get sick, adhere to the following care rules:
Monstera – a flower with large carved leaves
- watering should be carried out as needed, the soil should not dry out. Moisten the soil more often in summer than in winter;
- the optimal temperature in the warm season is 22-25 ° C. With an increase in degrees, the flower begins to grow too intensively. In winter, it should not be lower than 14 ° C;
- too dry indoor air can damage the plant, its leaves will begin to turn yellow and dry. You need to spray it regularly and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. In the case of too high humidity, the flower itself will begin to emit water, drops can be seen on its leaves;
- monstera does not like direct sunlight, but partial shade suits her perfectly. It can be kept in a room with diffused light or even in a dark place;
- the main growth occurs in the summer, at this time you need to fertilize the soil 2 times a month. In winter, the plant is fed only if kept in a warm room.
Before planting, you need to add peat, sand and humus in equal parts to the soil. The first 4 years, the transplant is carried out annually. Then only the top layer of the soil changes, which is mixed with fertilizer. After that, we transplant every 3 years.
Features of home care for a monstera flower
It is difficult to make this vine bloom when it lives indoors. But still, sometimes it happens, and in order to increase the chances, you need to follow the recommendations:
- monitor the soil to keep it moist. Especially in the summer;
- the soil should pass air well, be easily moistened;
- drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot;
- leaves need to be protected from insect pests, get rid of them in time;
- the plant gives aerial roots – they must be placed in the ground in a separate pot;
- regularly feed with mineral fertilizers.
For the most comfortable existence of a flower in a room, you need to allocate enough space for it so that it can develop and grow. Try not to touch his leaves, he doesn’t like that.