New York Governor Kathy Hochul imposed a monkey pox outbreak late Friday night. She also said that more than a quarter of the infections detected in the US are in her state, Reuters reported on Saturday.

Monkey Pox – Natural Disaster in New York State

By Saturday, 1 jobs had been confirmed across New York State. 383 cases of monkey pox, the Ministry of Health reported. In the entire United States, about 5 have been found so far. infections.

The governor said the spreading virus was a “catastrophic threat”. The introduction of a state of emergency will allow the authorities to better deal with new outbreaks of the disease. Efforts focus on vaccinating, testing, and informing residents about the risk and how to avoid infection.

Earlier on Friday, Brazil and Spain reported the first deaths from monkey pox outside of Africa.

Last Saturday, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced a global emergency in connection with the epidemic of this disease.

Monkey pox – what is this disease?

Monkey pox is a rare zoonotic disease. The most common cases of the disease so far have been in Africa. In May, the virus began spreading around the world.

The symptoms of monkey pox are:

  1. rash
  2. fever, 
  3. Headache, 
  4. muscle aches, 
  5. back pain 
  6. sore throat, 
  7. chills, 
  8. general weakness of the body. 

Among people, the virus spreads by droplet contact, coughing or sneezing. The infection lasts for two to four weeks. During this time, the patient should remain isolated so as not to infect people in the vicinity.


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