Monkey pox in Poland. The latest data on the number of infections

“We do not record new cases of monkey pox in Poland” – said Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska a week ago (11 July). «We have 18-19 cases» – this was the number of cases as of July 7th. It is no longer relevant. The first infection with monkey pox in Wrocław has recently been reported. However, there are more cases. What is happening in Poland in relation to monkey pox?

  1. As of July 14, we had 22 cases of monkey pox in Poland
  2. On July 16, another infection with monkey pox was confirmed in Poland and, at the same time, the first case in Wrocław
  3. «Gazeta Wyborcza»: Doctors suspect that the infection was most likely in Poland
  4. How many cases of monkey pox do we currently have in Poland and what is our plan to fight the disease?
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Monkey pox in Poland – how many infections do we have?

«Regarding the monkey pox epidemic, we have 18 or 19 cases as of yesterday (10 July). These numbers are still very small (…) The situation is relatively stable »- said Deputy Minister Waldemar Kraska on 11 July. According to the data of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), as of July 14, we had 22 cases of monkey pox in Poland (over 7,1 thousand in the entire EU).

On Saturday, July 16, another case of monkey pox was confirmed in Poland and, at the same time, the first case in Wrocław. The patient is currently in solitary confinement at the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Provincial Specialist Hospital. J. Gromkowski. “The patient has been with us for several days, the doctors suspected, and finally on Friday they received confirmation from the laboratory that it was smallpox” – said Anna Poznańska, a spokeswoman for the hospital on July 16.

It is not known where the patient got infected. According to Gazeta Wyborcza, doctors suspect that the infection was most likely in Poland. «From what we have established, he did not go abroad» – quotes the spokeswoman for the hospital «Gazeta». According to Gazeta Wyborcza, two patients with disturbing symptoms were also sent to an infectious disease hospital in Łódź (so far there is no official confirmation).

How many cases of monkey pox do we have in Poland today? We sent this question to the Ministry of Health. We are waiting for answer. The information from Gazeta Wyborcza, which refers to the data of the Ministry of Health, shows that “from May 31, a total of 85 cases of suspected infection with the monkey pox virus were reported to the State Sanitary Inspection”. 41 cases were confirmed, of which “21 patients are in hospital, 20 were discharged from the hospital after the infectious period ended”.

People infected with monkey pox in Poland – how do they get sick? Symptoms

The patient from Wrocław is in an average condition. “I do not feel very bad, although the disease may develop in different ways” – emphasized Anna Poznańska. Earlier, Deputy Minister Kraska informed that “people who suffer from monkey pox have a fairly mild course of it – these are various types of eruptions on the skin that pass. Here I see no danger at the moment » – underlined on July 11. When asked if you could be calm about this, he replied: “I think so.”

Check if your body is coping with the pathogens. Perform an immunity blood test package available from Medonet Market.

Let us remind you that the most common symptoms in the initial stage of the disease are: fever (above 38,5 degrees C), muscle pain, headache, back pain, chills, fatigue, generalized or local enlargement of the lymph nodes (as opposed to chickenpox).

Two or three days after the first symptoms, a rash appears (first spots, then lumps, vesicles, and finally pustules and scabs). At the time the rash occurs, the person is contagious. The rash itself lasts for two to four weeks. Headaches, muscle aches and fatigue still persist. If the disease is severe, the rash covers the entire body, including the head.

Mediskin Medisil Cream, a hypoallergenic regenerating cream for irritation, is recommended for skin care after the pox has healed.

The Ministry of Health reminds that there is currently no targeted treatment for monkey pox. “Symptomatic treatment is applied, with currently available remedies as needed (external disinfectant, antipyretic, analgesic, antipruritic)”.

What is Poland’s plan for monkey pox? The Minister of Health responds

At the end of June, the editor-in-chief of MedTvoiLokony, Dr. Anna Zimny-Zając asked the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, about does Poland have a plan for monkey pox, i.e. how are we going to protect ourselves and fight the monkey pox virus?

«We have procedures to follow. Every person, even if suspected of being infected, is isolated, an epidemic interview is carried out, and every contact person is under the supervision of the sanitary inspection. We have monkey pox detection tests in Poland. We are buying a vaccine as part of EU purchases, but I would like to point out that only for medics »- said Adam Niedzielski (a pool of a thousand vaccines was ordered).

“Most of our society has immunity after the smallpox vaccinations that ended in the late 70s. We also buy drugs to support treatment. However, this is a prevention, not an assessment of a serious risk, because there is no such risk »- emphasized the minister.

Take care of your immunity with Daily Shield ° to immunity – a dietary supplement available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

«Monkey pox and its virus are not at the same level of risk as COVID-19 and the coronavirus. No analogies can be made here. It is also difficult to make comparisons “, says Minister Niedzielski and emphasizes that” the possibility of getting infected with monkey pox is much smaller, quite intense contact with an infected person is required “- explained Adam Niedzielski.

“So I would also ask you – the media – for a great responsibility in creating a narrative on this topic. It is not advisable to scare anyone and arouse negative emotions »- added the minister.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, Olga Komorowska, sound therapist, voice trainer and singer, will talk about what sound therapy is all about. What are the benefits of “faking”, what is vibrotherapy and how is sound wave transmitted? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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