Monkey pox is spreading at a very worrying rate. To date, 16 cases of infection have been reported worldwide. For this reason, experts from the World Health Organization recognized the disease as a threat to the world.

The World Health Organization’s crisis committee on Thursday began talks about the monkey pox epidemic. Experts were very divided on this issue, but the final decision on whether to announce the highest level of epidemic alert was to be made by the director general of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Ultimately, he made such a decision on Saturday. He also admitted that there was no unanimity in making decisions.

Global Health Status is the highest level of alerts issued by the WHO.

Monkey pox is a serious threat to the world

The first WHO crisis committee meeting to discuss monkey pox was held in late June. At that time, there were only about 3 thousand. cases of infection. Since then, the number of cases has reached almost 17. The virus has already been detected in over 70 WHO member countries. To date, five deaths have been reported from this disease.

The scientist also confirmed that scientists have still not fully investigated how the disease spreads. – We at WHO assume that the risk associated with monkey pox on a global scale is moderate, except in Europe, where we rate it as high Said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The infection with monkey pox usually occurs as a result of biting or direct contact with infected animals, their body fluids or blood. Between people, the virus spreads through mucous membranes, damaged skin, body fluids (saliva, blood, semen, etc.), and through prolonged face-to-face contact.

See also: Monkey pox is already in Poland. What do we know about the disease?

An epidemic alarm will help contain the virus?

Smallpox vaccines are now used in many countries and are also largely effective against monkey pox. However, there is still no targeted treatment. It was for this reason that some experts wanted to introduce an epidemic alert of the highest degree. In this way, WHO can unlock additional funds and step up global efforts to combat the further spread of the disease.

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